Follicular Lymphoma Survival … Comments of the Month
December 2024
It will soon be 20 years since I was diagnosed with FL and I am grateful for having found your site. I doubt that I would still be here if not for you and the knowledge you have made available to us survivors through your website. You are truly a fountain of knowledge when it comes to FL…Scott, Tennessee
Thank you for helping me to enjoy life to the full. You have given exceptional help to so very many…Sandra, UK
Thank you so very much Robert as I appreciate your input. You are a wonderful person doing what you do and helping so many like me. I really appreciate you and I know everyone else does too…Ann-Maree, New Zealand
You have given us a gift of a wealth of information that we would not be able to have otherwise…Linda, Texas
You will probably never know how much dread and despair you have dissipated among people with lymphoma – and close people watching over them- but we do…Harrison, Australia
November 2024
For the second day I have been studying the information on the site with pleasure. The work you have done is enormous and invaluable. It is clear that all recommendations are scientifically based. After the diagnosis, I also began to collect information on how to improve the situation. But in two days on your site, I learned much more than in two months of independent searches. Thanks to you, the process of understanding went faster and I have already begun to make changes to my habits…Olga, Russia
Many thanks and appreciation for all you do to share your research and wisdom…Wendy, New York
I have been doing quite well, living the 4PEP life all clear and active since my last treatment which was in 2015. Thanks again for all of your amazing support and leadership for our community…Richard, California
October 2024
I want to express my appreciation for your great research again. The content this month teaches me new things. Life is so good with your great research report!…Vicky, Taiwan
After re-reading last and this months’ newsletters, I’m moved to write to thank you for the valuable information. The FL world is less frightening and more hope-filled, thanks to you…Lisa, New York
I have been on the Article 3 (Four Pillar 4PEP) plan for around eight years and think it is a significant part of the reason why I am still alive! Still in complete remission as far as I know. I am very grateful for all you do as always…Keith, UK
September 2024
I do so appreciate all the work you do in providing us with such excellent research regarding Follicular Lymphoma. I know I would not be here 11 years later if I had not been told of your website…Elaine, New Zealand
Thank you for your work and dedication in producing a very useful and detailed newsletter…Aina, Florida
I was diagnosed in 2008 and given two years to live. It’s now been 16. I owe a good part of my extended survival to your unrelenting quest in researching and communicating your findings via your monthly newsletter. You have packaged up a vast array of updated and useful information into an easily digestible format that we can all understand. Your unselfish effort has indeed laid the groundwork to help us make responsible decisions towards our continued survival…Rob, Alberta
August 2024
I can’t tell you how much your newsletters mean to me. I feel very confident I would not have survived the last 13 years without your assistance…Christine, Alberta
A big hug and always continue to be healthy and transmitting hope and knowledge to all of us. Forever grateful…Selma, Brazil
You are playing a large part in my doing very well !!..Jan, Florida
I was diagnosed with advanced testicular cancer 14 years ago. I love your newsletter as it is very useful for all kinds of cancers and overall general health. Thank you for your service!…Rich,
July 2024
I was beyond fortunate to find your website and research over 6 years ago when I was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma (grade 1-2, stage 4) and started on the 4 PEP plan. Eradication was eventually required three years later with R-CHOP resulting in clinical remission in 2021. I continued on the 4 PEP and Rejuvenation plans as well as reaching out to you for occasional questions. A new oncologist recommended a scan to see where I was since none had been done since the chemo. I received the news this morning yesterday’s scan was clear! For sure, I would not be where I am today without your incredible work! Thank you for giving me the extra years…Leslie,
I’m still rocking the “watch and wait” world with no symptoms other than palpable nodes. I have excellent labs and a spirit filled with life! I appreciate your work. It inspires hope…Maggie, Washington State
Thank you so much for your work and guidance, it has been invaluable to me. I feel you have been holding my hand gently throughout this experience and continue to…Felicity, Australia.
June 2024
I’ve been cancer-free for 15 years now! Your newsletter is such a savior. I treasure all the science and wisdom you share…Michelle, New York City.
I continue to enjoy and learn from your newsletters…Linda, Texas
Thanks for the new research again! I can’t help finishing reading it at once after clicking the link…Vicky, Taiwan
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your tireless, extraordinary work that has made a life-saving difference for so many. It is my favorite reading and I look forward to it always. Forever grateful… Lisa, Illinois
May 2024
I am doing very well. My 2nd year after diagnosis has been without any signs of illness thanks to resources such as yours to learn the “new way of life”…Betty, Pennsylvania
I combine watching and Living! 18 years with no treatment. You helped save me in 2006 when I thought my life was over…Karen, North Carolina
Thank you for all the time, effort, and research you put in and for providing such hope!…Bridget, Minnesota
Thanks for everything!!!! It’s been 15 years for me with no treatment. You are a live saver!!..Ralph, Illinois
April 2024
Thanks for all your ongoing research. You continue to help so many, long after you could have truly retired…Robert, Indiana
Thank you for another fact-focused, educationally-rich monthly newsletter!…Erin, Texas.
Thank you for maintaining and continually enhancing this wonderful resource. I feel lucky to have found it and to be part of it. I just wish there were such a resource for all the other frailties one encounters! …Martha
I had a CT scan showing improvement. All the promising observations are primarily due to your reports, suggestions and recommendations which I have followed through the years. I am eternally grateful…Ed, Arizona
I just want to say thank you for posting all of your research and keeping the older newsletters available for review. I’ve gone back to this information numerous times since I was diagnosed with lymphoma last fall, and it is really helpful! I am trying to follow the lifestyle and eating protocol, and it has improved my gut function and energy. No chemo for me yet, but I appreciate being able to review the information you provide on all of the newer treatments, so I will be able to ask questions when I need treatment in the future. I hope you will continue offering the website information for a long time to come! Thanks!…Jennie, New York
March 2024
Thank you so much for your prompt assistance. I very much appreciate your support with this journey. This is much more information than the doctors or health professionals have provided and it provides both practical and emotional support for our family during this difficult time…Dee, Australia
Remember that your life is an example for me, I believe in the Lymphoma Survival way!…Robert, Quebec
You give a life changing hope to us…Sylvie, Belgium
I feel great, thanks for all your hard work and the information you and your team provide…David, South Carolina
Thank You for bringing us the latest research and your insight. I have been a subscriber for 16 years, since I was first diagnosed. I am doing well and thankfully have not had a transformation and no treatments to date. I owe you a huge debt of gratitude for your help in achieving this goal…Janet, Utah
February 2024
I want to thank you for creating this incredible website with an amazing game plan that I have followed for much of the last 9 years without any previous treatment…Tom, Connecticut
Thank you for the carefully curated information you provide. Your recommendations are practical and have been beneficial to me…Joan, BC
I look forward to your newsletters and truly appreciate all the work that goes in to each and every one of them. Been following, learning and growing for over 20 years and I thank you and your team immensely…Christine, Alberta
I want to first thank you for your newsletter. It’s helped me so much since my diagnosis! …Pam, Illinois
Thank you very much for the continued excellent information. It is great to be able to have the well-researched info in one place. My wife is now into year 14 of remission and I know that a lot of information you have provided has helped her to optimize her health and keep the lymphoma at bay…Tom, UK
January 2024
Your newsletters are saving lives and making this journey so much easier to live with, while creating a healthier life than we might have without FL. We are all so lucky to have you!…Nicole, New York
Thank you, Robert. I love the monthly reports. They are helpful and inspiring. I am continuing to do well and have not needed treatment…Nancy,
Thank you for all the work you have done. Diagnosed 2005. You guys gave me hope. Henri, Quebec
I have been living in remission for the last 4 years after treatment. I found your website at the beginning of my journey and have followed your advice. I have always felt well, good energy levels and do not miss a day walking the hills or the beach. I am very grateful to you because you helped give me some sense of control over my disease. As far as I know I am very healthy at this time…Karen, Australia
Thank you for helping sooo many lymphoma people over sooo many years…Deb, Arizona
Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication towards helping us live with Lymphoma. It is so very much appreciated…Victoria, UK
Thank you for all you do for the community…Jennifer, Maryland
Thank you for this great service. It has been extremely informative and helpful…Phil, Ontario
Thank you for all you provide through your gifts of compassion and perseverance for so many others…Michelle, Alberta
Thanks for all you do in putting your newsletter together along with all the research that is involved. It is much appreciated. I can honestly say that the information I have received from your newsletter has improved my outcome with my lymphoma. Your newsletter has helped both physically and mentally. Russ, California
December 2023
Thank you for all the hard work that you and your team do! It is a source of great comfort to know that your careful, evidence-based guidance (as well as your important insights and suggestions drawn from the evidence) are always available, and serve as a constant beacon of hope. Kendall, Wisconsin
Thank you for all you do for the Lymphoma survivor community…Barry, New York
Thank you for your great work! You are making a profound impact on this world. FL survivors are “surviving” with your invaluable information. We appreciate you…Michelle, Wisconsin
The wealth of knowledge you provide your members has been immensely valuable to me as I navigate this journey…Laurence, California
Thank you so much for survival guides and protocols. They are fantastic and a huge help to so many. Peter, Australia
Thank you for all the work you do for this! Your information has been very helpful and as of my latest PET in September 2023, there is NED! …Rhonda, Nebraska
November 2023
Wouldn’t have made it without you. Thanks for what you’ve done for so many. My last CT scan showed no significant evidence of lymphoma. Almost unbelievable. I just worry that you’ll disappear without a warning. Keep up the great work…Charles, California
I continue to do well with my lymphoma since a stem cell transplant. Hope you continue to thrive. Thanks for the regular updates…Nathan, Kansas
Thank you for the incentive that you and Judith provided. It is very kind of you…Alev, Turkey
I just wanted to thank you again for the wealth of information you bring to us each month. Every time I read your monthly newsletters or go back and review the articles, I think of the tremendous value you are providing us, information that we could not get anywhere else in one package…Linda, Texas
October 2023
I want to tell you what a difference having access to your wisdom and knowledge has made in my life. It’s been 10 years since I completed chemo to mitigate follicular lymphoma and large B-cell lymphoma. I decided it was time to stop fooling around. I’m now released from the cancer clinic, with my doctor scratching her head about me, and I’m feeling great. I personally wanted to thank you for 10 years of extra life…Thomas, Alberta
I always recommend your site to anyone I come across with FL as I consider it a major part for my own survival…David, UK
Thank you for all of the valuable information regarding our malady, lymphoma. So far, I am well and in the thrive zone!…Ron, North Carolina
Thank you so much to you and your team. Your help is greatly appreciated…Dom, Australia
You have an amazing ministry. Thank you for the endless hours of your wisdom, dedication and thirst to REALLY make a difference in people’s lives…Brenda, Florida
September 2023
Here is an update on my progress when I found you 20 years ago. My follicular lymphoma is still in check with no symptoms and no treatment. Any enlarged lymph nodes have shrunk on their own and scans show that any “spots” went away. Bloodwork has always been ” boringly normal ” as my oncologist says. At 77, I hike 6 or more miles a day on the trails near my house, and basically eat “clean” and organic as much as possible. Thank you for all your research and information for patients!…Joan, Georgia
Thank you for your service to all of us…Connie, New York.
Thank you for your loyal research and encouragement…Aina, Florida
Your steady presence is inherently uplifting to lymphoma survivors, as is your dedication to shared knowledge and personal empowerment through diet and lifestyle change…Erin, Texas
A mentor I met through the lymphoma society network told me to subscribe to your newsletter during my chemo in 2019. I’ve been an avid reader ever since. Your newsletter is an invaluable part of my post diagnosis life…Mark,
The support and research you have offered to all of us is immeasurable. And thank you for your clear guidance, information, recommendations etc. I am still in watch and wait after diagnosis in 2009 with grade 3 lymphoma…Christine, Nova Scotia
August 2023
I’m still fine. It’ll be 20 years since my diagnosis at the end of this year and still nothing doing and no treatment. I put that down to Robert’s fantastic advice which I still follow – with a few of my own strategies mixed in!…Sue, UK
Thank you for the newsletters. They are a source of hope for me and full of information that is very helpful…Karla, Texas
Subscribing to your monthly reports is one of the best investments I’ve made in my life. Thanks again for your great research work, for your motivation and example for everyone…Javier, Spain
(Re my success), it’s your plan I’ve been following, I can’t imagine where I would be if I had not found you…Leslie, Texas
July 2023
I learned so much about lymphoma from you. I continue to follow the Four Pillars and read the newsletters. All of the advice was critical to my survival…Rayjay, Georgia
Thanks so much for the great info – with an uplifting spirit…Alison, UK
Thank you for this very valuable service that is helping so many people…no treatment since 2008, Diana, Wisconsin
It’s been 7.5 years since I was diagnosed on the day I gave birth to our 2nd child…Maggie, California
35 years! That’s wonderful. Congratulations! Thank you for your website and all the valuable information…Pamela, Delaware
June 2023
Thank you for the May mid-month newsletter. It is immensely helpful as many of us have a hemoglobin deficiency…Ilango, Illinois
Thanks for all your great work, and best wishes to all in or planning treatment. I am certain everyone will benefit so much from being members of this group. It has helped us so much over the years and just good to know it is there. An amazing resource…Rae, UK
Enjoying and benefiting from your newsletters and articles. I am still in full remission 16 years after (treatment). But who is counting? I am!…Mary J., Ontario
May 2023
The information you have put together has changed my life. As a scientifically trained person it has meant so much to me to have access to research findings created so capably and sensibly. As a 17-year survivor I have felt in control of my decision making. With many thanks…Martha, Nova Scotia
It’s been 10 years and I’m great. Your newsletter has been a great support…Nanette, Arizona
I’m still in CR 18 years after a wicked diagnosis, transformation and RCHOP treatment. So glad I found your website shortly after chemo. Without a doubt, I feel one of the main reasons I’ve stayed FL free is because of your sage advice and well researched articles…Tom, California
As always, thank you very much for your fantastic and very useful job!…Renato, Italy
I’m doing well and it has now been 18 years since I was diagnosed, and still no treatment. Each time I see a new hematology oncologist, they seem shocked that I have not had any treatment. I always mention your site and the four-pillar program I have been on…Scott, Tennessee
April 2023
I look forward to reading all the information you provide–it’s better than anything available elsewhere. You are providing such a valuable service to all of us who have had lymphoma…Mike
Thank you for creating the Lymphoma Survival site. This is the 10th year since I was diagnosed and I am keeping well, which I am sure is due in large part to all the information and tips I have received from your newsletters, which are invaluable…Elaine, New Zealand
Thanks for the hard work you put into the site…Michael, Thailand
It has been 5 years since I was diagnosed and about the same amount of time I have been glued to your advice. Honestly, I believe I am still here and feeling good because of using your program…Leslie, Texas
March 2023
I am 15 years from diagnosis with no treatment to date. I believe this is due to trying my best to follow your recommendations to keep this disease at bay…Janet, Utah
We are so grateful for the work and goodwill that goes into the newsletters. This service is unique and outstanding…Harrison, Australia
Thank you for all your help and support over the past year. It is very much appreciated…Ann, UK
I am so happy you continue providing us all with such valuable information. Thank you!…Cheryl, South Carolina
Your presence, and guidance have made this strange challenge more friendly all these years. I am sure it contributes to my overall well-being. Thank you sincerely for your dedication and inspired guidance. I appreciate your wisdom and commitment to help…Francine, Quebec
I love receiving your newsletters. Your research and knowledge has just cemented for me the most sensible way to keep my FL and DLBCL away for more than 5 years now and continuing without it anymore!! Keep up the great work and much appreciated!…Maureen, South Australia.
February 2023
I appreciate all you do with the guidance and information you provide. It is going on six years now since I was diagnosed and throughout that time you have been my guide I followed. I am well and living a full and active life…Karen, Australia
Thank you for many years of guided support of which I am truly grateful. Your newsletters have at times when I needed it most, pulled me out of depression and given me hope and confidence to carry on…Christine
Thank you for all the great and life-saving information you have made available. It seems likely to me that my wife would not be with us today if she had not found your site almost 10 years ago…Mark, Nova Scotia
Lymphoma Survival gives hope and information to many people worldwide as well as giving people a chance to be actively involved in their own recovery. You’re doing a brilliant job…Mary, UK
Thank you for the amazing service you are providing…Nishka, Sri Lanka
I just became a member. Such comprehensive information and I want to simply give thanks for your work in gaining this knowledge, and the desire to share. What a difference you are making in the lives of those with Follicular Lymphoma and beyond!.. Lynn, New York
January 2023
Your recommendations guide me every day – and every day, scientists and doctors catch up to your insights from your many years of successfully navigating cutting-edge research, coupled with your thoughtful analysis in applying the research results to our circumstances and needs. Thank you so much for all that you (and those assisting you) do… it is genuinely lifesaving work!…Kendall, Wisconsin
Thank you so much for the good advice! It’s just what I needed to hear! And thanks for all the wonderful things you do for us members. My heartfelt appreciation that you took the time to respond to my query…Shelley, Yukon
Thank you so much for your work in creating and sustaining this wonderful well balanced website…Lily, Australia
Many thanks for all the information you provide. It has helped me greatly through my first year after diagnosis and I’m doing fine…Carl, Netherlands
My mom and I read your great work for hours on Friday and we are digging back in today. It is so comforting to her (and me) to have your well-reasoned basis and the 4 pillars program. Thank you again. Please know you are changing people’s lives in a profound way…Michelle, Wisconsin
December 2022
I am just reading the current newsletter and would just like to say THANK you for everything you do, together with your support team. I often suggest this page to others and the information gives us the hope we need! Thank you!! …Cvija, Australia
I am so grateful for you…you and your work has been such a gift, a guiding light…Jana, Connecticut
Many thanks for your continuing efforts for lymphoma affected souls. Your efforts are invaluable…Masood, Alberta
Your dedication and perseverance over all these years are beyond words…Marlene, California
Your Lymphoma Survival website has been nothing short of a godsend for me. It has made all the difference. I eagerly anticipate every newsletter…Cheryl, New Brunswick
November 2022
My subscription buys me the best, most informative and encouraging information available. You should know how much your work is appreciated…Guy, UK
With thanks for the invaluable information and psychological support. I am now 5 years on “Watch and Wait”. I must admit not following your program to the letter, when I do stray too far I always come back to reading your newsletters to get more inspiration…Kris, Australia
Thanks for all your research and for your informative newsletters. I am certain it has helped me along my journey…Russ, California
I am on 14 years with no treatment. You inspire me every time I get aches and pains and think oh no! Thank you for this information and keeping me motivated…Kathleen, Arizona
October 2022
Like many others around the world, I am so glad I came across your web site and the wealth of information it contains…Peter, California
…enjoying your bi monthly info. The only one I’ve trusted and used since I’ve discovered you. Can’t say how much I appreciate your work!! Pascal, Quebec
Thanks for this wonderful site…all so appreciated…Joe, Pennsylvania
I am enjoying reading all of the articles and newsletters. I wish that I had found this information previously but better late than never…Cheryl, Nova Scotia
September 2022
I’ve been a member of your site for 23 years. Diagnosed FL in 1998. Doing well. Chemo 13 years ago but now all is fine. The site is fantastic and a constant source of inspiration and a reminder that my health is not a given. Thank you, Robert, with all my heart and mind! …Simon, United Kingdom
You have been a blessing to many…Nancy, Missouri
Thanks so much for your tireless efforts of bringing forth the absolute best information and facts regarding follicular lymphoma as well as positive life tips and thoughts! Ron, Texas
August 2022
Thank you for keeping us apprised of all the hope and changes that your research brings to your newsletter. It is a wonderful read for us each month…L and T, Texas
Your articles and newsletters are so helpful and informative! And they give me a lot of hope that I can influence and manage follicular lymphoma positively…Robin, Virginia
My membership of Lymphoma Survival is a tremendous resource of information and supportive advice that I value highly…Gary, UK
Thanks for helping navigate the stressful waters of a diagnosis in 2015 of follicular lymphoma…. Steve, British Columbia
It’s been three years since I was diagnosed with stage 2 follicular lymphoma. I still haven’t had any treatment…. I’ll be on another year of watch and wait. Thank you again for inspiring and supporting us…. Yukiko, Tokyo
I’m with you on the merits of discovery for one’s own self…. the psychological shot in the arm that I draw from the fact that in most follicular lymphoma cases the malignant cells are close to normal is hard to overstate. Take care and many, many thanks…Mary Ellen, Illinois
July 2022
Happy to support your incredible newsletter. I just had my 5-year clear bloodwork. I still go to the hematologist/oncologist once a year for a check. All ok so far. I’m so lucky. Peace and health…Cliff, Pennsylvania
Thank you also for the wonderful contributions you have made and continue to make to the lymphoma community giving us a better understanding of our lymphoma…Mary J Ontario
Thank you very much for the newsletters and articles. I deeply appreciate all the information you put together…Veronica, New York
Thank you for continuing to provide robust, prescriptive advice for those of us living with and managing follicular lymphoma…Jeff, Washington State
June 2022
I have had an incredible nearly 20 years since diagnosis in early 2004. Way back then, I followed your suggestion of the hyperthermia (hot tub after chemo)…things like that. I have no doubt they were all part of it. I owe you a lot…Kyle, Washington
Love your work…Gary, New Zealand
You have been an inspiration and a huge motivation for me…Maria, Ontario
Thanks so much for this wonderful website and all the work that goes into it. I am a 14-year survivor with no treatment to date. I plan to keep it that way with the help I get from you…Janet, Utah
May 2022
(I’m a) 17-year FL survivor. RCHOP, plus good advice from LymphomaSurvival, has kept me alive. Keep up the good work. Thanks, a plenty…Tom, California
The resources and information you provide have served me incredibly well and I’m very grateful!…Krista, Ontario
Thank you for all your hard work, Robert and team…Alisoun, UK
I can’t thank you enough for all the life-saving, extraordinary research, time and effort you put into helping others…Lisa, Illinois
Keep doing what you’re doing. It means so much to so many…Carol, Alaska
The newsletters have been very helpful over the years. I am in perfect health…Alan, Ontario
Thanks so much for this wonderful website and all the work that goes into it. I am a 14-year survivor with no treatment to date. I plan to keep it that way with the help I get from you…Janet, Utah
The amount of information available through your website is incredible! It is an absolutely terrific resource! So much easy to access information, current information, global information and… knowledge (applied correctly) is power!..Cheryl, New Brunswick
April 2022
I want to again say thank you for the information you regularly share on your Lymphoma Survival site. The time and effort you have invested in this endeavor is so appreciated…Charlene, Ontario
(My husband) is completely clear with no evidence of disease. We have gone through many trials, including a lot of our own misunderstanding. Your work and experience have given so much hope and encouragement to keep moving forward. Bree, Australia
Your publication does a great job in keeping us up to date with the latest research…Mary, Ohio
I don’t know what I would have done without you…Linda, Utah
A wonderful most informative (in so many ways) April Newsletter. I’m so fortunate to have been referred to you and what you stand for…Dave, Ontario
As always, many thanks for your great milestone work for so many of us…Jim, California
March 2022
I can’t thank you all enough for the research, time and dedication that is put into this site. Using the information from this site I have been able to enjoy a healthy life…Rebecca, Louisiana
We would again like to thank you and your colleagues for all of the great work that goes into the website and the newsletters. The COVID coverage has been very helpful as well. Out of interest, my wife got a blood test done after her booster vaccine and it showed she had a good level of antibodies. I am sure this is in no small part down to the advice from your site that we have been using. She is now 12 years since her initial treatment and doing well. Tom and Lou, UK
Thank you so much for all the work you do to keep us up-to-date. We really appreciate the newsletters…B and D, British Columbia
Thanks to all of you for the awesome work!..Tom, New York
It’s hard to believe that I have been a part of the Lymphoma Survival community for almost two years now. At this time, I cannot see myself without it. I have learned so much through your monthly articles and have applied much of it to my own life. Krista, Ontario
February 2022
Thank you for a terrific mid-month newsletter. I have pretty much been following your recommendations for some time. I am extremely grateful for your work. I believe it is a lifesaver…Philip, Ontario
Thanks for being there for us…Steve, Sweden
No symptoms after 13 years. I’m sure the 4 Pillars approach helps!…Warren, Illinois
Thank you for all you do to help all of us learn how to live with lymphoma and navigate through all the challenges that may arise. I am grateful for your knowledge and the educational materials you offer on your website…Lynn, New York
As always, you and your site are such a reassuring presence and an inspiration. Best wishes and good health to you and your family and colleagues…Harrison, Australia
Love love love your commitment and what you do for us SURVIVORS! You keep me going :-)…Alex, UK
January 2022
Your research, writing, work to present newsletters and guidelines have been of outstanding assistance for me since my diagnosis in 2006. Bottom line, your research and guidance for FL is quite clearly without equal from any other source. For that, please let me thank you…Andrew, Ontario
Your ongoing commitment to your fellow man in need over all these years is a remarkable story of unconditional love. Gray, South Africa
Your site is a blessing…Linda, Norway
God bless you and BIG thank you for making an incredible difference in so many lives!..Leslie, Texas
Thank you for this service. It is invaluable…Vivienne, UK
Thank you for another year of support, guidance and well researched information!…Angela, Ontario
Thanks for all your efforts! It has truly made a difference in my life…Sherri, Illinois
Thanks for all the updates provided by Lymphoma Survival…Tushar, India
Your down to earth, common-sense approach is much needed in this chaotic world!… Margaret, Alberta
Your regular mail provides us with valuable information which is useful not only for my husband (diagnosed about 7 years ago), but also for me (I only help my husband with translating the information but in this way, I’ve acquired much knowledge which can be used in everyday life, too). Thank you very much for your GREAT WORK, Robert…Eva, Slovakia
December 2021
I would like to express my gratitude for all the research you have put together. The wealth of accurate and scientific information on your amazingly well kept and comprehensive website is invaluable. The language is comprehensible and it transmits empathy and authentic care…Oscar, Washington, DC
Your website and the content you publish is so useful and comforting when you feel you need support and intelligent information. Thank you for everything you are doing for all of us…Philip, UK
Thanks for your great work! Stephen, Australia
I’m past the 5-year mark and feeling healthy and optimistic thanks to your invaluable information. Keep it coming please! Mary, Idaho
Thank you for your great work…Skipper, Minnesota
Thank you for your informative newsletter. I get so much out of the information…Debra, Florida.
Your articles are precious to everyone with this problem…Luisa, Portugal
Thank you for your steadfast commitment supporting all of us with FL. Following your guidance, I will soon reach the 15-year mark with no recurrences…Virginia, Washington
November 2021
10 years ago, I was diagnosed. When I found your site, I thought I was pretty good at research. But I didn’t count on your being a master! You have extended my knowledge base, infinitely…Dave, Florida.
Thanks for your great work! Stephen, Australia
Still relying on your newsletters and articles every day. Your careful guidance regarding COVID has been a tremendous help since accurate, reliable information is in short supply…Kendall, Wisconsin
Thanks for all your great work! …Kevin, British Columbia
Thank you for maintaining such wonderful website and serving the community with a big heart!! Manik, California
I found your website and started reading a lot. I want to tell you that it is already having a very positive impact on me. I have decided that I will not go down with this. I will fight! I will be a survivor! So basically, I’m writing to thank you, for everything that you do…Stephan,
Keep doing what you’re doing Robert – you have helped so many of us so much! Glenn, Maryland
October 2021
I am doing super! In 2004 I was diagnosed with FL stage 4. I am now stage 1. Soon after my diagnosis I found your website. I want to thank you SO MUCH for your wonderful information and for sharing your progress. At 78, it gives me the strength to carry on living a “healthy” life…Sandra, California
Thank you for all your hard work in helping people living with follicular lymphoma move into the thrive zone You are a true blessing! Beth, Washington
Thanks again for your website…priceless!…Rob, Alberta
I remain untreated for over a decade. I appreciate and value the service you provide mostly because it helps me be the “manager of my health”…Christine, Nova Scotia
September 2021
I will be forever grateful for your guiding light and insight. Here I am nearly 18 years since (treatment) and you were “with me” every step of the way. I am fortunate to have been extremely well ever since…Milt, Florida
Your work is so essential, valuable and extremely important for so many people. It gives us the most up to date information and guidance in maintaining a healthy life. Very much appreciated…Harold, Quebec
Thank you for all the work and time you and your staff continue to do to keep our members just not living, but thriving. I’m now at 13 yrs. and thriving…Wayne, Pennsylvania
Thank for continuing this invaluable resource, it is gold!…Deanna, Ontario
Thank you for all the great information & hope that you provide…Micheline, New York
Those who have to share THANKS are us that are having access to your monthly newsletters…Laszlo, Romania
I look forward to your newsletters. It’s been 15 years since the diagnosis and no treatments-to-date. Words can’t explain what a gift you’ve been to me all these years. Here’s to many, many more years of being in the THRIVE ZONE!…Brooke
August 2021
Thank you for providing such a fantastic service. I tell all the new people I meet at workshops I facilitate for Lymphoma Action here in the UK. It’s important to be able to direct people to good sources of information and I hope that some of them find your site as useful as I still continue to do…Penny. UK
I remain indebted to you for this wonderful site full of information and caring…Peter, New York
Your web site was linked by Lymphoma Support Group of Ottawa and it has been such a beacon of hope for me. Adopting your 4 Pillar Program has enabled me to keep moving forward with positivity. Your scientific approach makes me believe that natural regression is possible and that belief has been a huge part of improving my quality of life. For now, this is a thank you for the knowledge and the hope…Franca, Ontario
You have helped me immensely from falling prey to a lot of pitfalls… Karen, Arizona
Thank you for the comprehensive and vital information you provide…Shannon, British Columbia
Thank you for the amazing service…Nishka, Sri Lanka
I am a big fan of your newsletter. You do so much in-depth research and many of the subjects that I found out about first from you have become mainstream (ie. epigenetics). I very much appreciate all your hard work…Linda, California
July 2021
The task you took on years ago continues to bless many people, myself included. That weekend (at the Seattle Seminar in 2006) gave me the hope and information to get me through treatment and changed my life in a way that after treatment I reevaluated my lifestyle, and made the changes to give me the health I now enjoy. I am honored to be able to be a part of something that gives light and hope to so many people…Randy, Florida
(My wife) is now 18 years from diagnosis. In full remission for 10 years…James, UK
You are doing a great service. Thanks…Ray, Australia
Thank you SO MUCH Robert for your feedback. I will keep you informed as I go forward to keep you up to date on my progress. Your assistance and support are greatly appreciated…Steve, New York
It is with joy that I send this contribution in double to demonstrate how much I am grateful for your guidance, work and opinions on lymphoma. It is a privilege to have your support and to know that we are not alone. I am well. Eternally grateful. Hug…Selma, Brazil
June 2021
Lymphoma Survival put it all together for me. I had forgotten some of the ins and outs of how the lymphatic system works and the way epigenetics impacts gene expression. Excellent summary. You and LS are such an amazing blessing to the world!!…David, Nova Scotia
Still doing well after 11 years with no treatment…Richard, California
BTW, in last 2 years I’ve been able to reduce the size of the tumours in my tummy by half, in part using the wisdom you send me every month. THANK YOU, I really appreciate what you and your team do…Cathy
Thanks so much Robert for your continued research, synthesis of information, insights, and encouragement! Truly valuable…Krista, Ontario
I so appreciate your continued support in educating us all to good health and happiness…Wanda, Georgia
Thank you for continuing to provide both useful information and heart-lightening, encouraging strategies and comments, which contribute to enable us to make informed decisions in managing our lymphoma. The information you provide is not to be found anywhere else. Furthermore, I find that your sensible way of writing the newsletters strikes a very difficult balance between straight honesty and broad respect towards different personal positions, which I greatly appreciate…Monica, Spain.
May 2021
I am still symptom free following targeted radiation treatment of some neck nodes in 2018, a fact which I attribute in large part to your newsletter and the knowledge it assembles. Epigenetics are so powerful, helping to systematize and affirm so much that was intuitively suggestive but “unscientific” before this fuller understanding of the human genome emerged. Thank you, as ever, for organizing and actualizing this knowledge so that ordinary folks can deploy it in our daily lives…Martha, Nova Scotia
Keep up the great work, as always it is much appreciated…Tracey, Australia
I am writing to thank you for your web-site. After 15 years, I was diagnosed with diffuse lymphoma. I optimized chemo with exercise, hot baths, and a heating pad. In addition, I was able to walk 1-1/4 miles almost every day (in accordance with the optimization strategies in Article #8). My pre-treatment situation was less than ideal, but after 6-rounds of R-CHOP, PET showed a complete response. I give all the credit to Lymphoma Survival and your work…Meade, Virginia
April 2021
Your work is incredibly helpful. I am a mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) patient living your 4PEP for 2 years. Being very well and recovering day by day. Jorge, Germany
Keep up the great work. As a lymphoma patient your information has helped me a lot. I will always be thankful to you for your efforts and constant service…Mikel, Venezuela
After diagnosis 7 years ago with enlarged glands on both sides of my chest and neck, I took the option of “wait and see”, then immediately found your website and started the program. My scan in February was completely free of any enlarged nodes. My doctor was pleased and surprised. I thank you so much for your diligence and hard work in keeping this information flowing to us…Mary, Tennessee
Thank you for taking time to send me this email (in response to my inquiry). Very much appreciated…Maria and Jack, New York
Thank you so much for your response. I can’t tell you enough times how much I appreciate that you take time to answer emails like mine and everything you do on lymphomasurvival…Zeljko, Sweden
I really appreciate all that you have done for us all. I cannot tell you in words what it has meant to have someone so brilliantly smart, incredibly insightful and generously kind and devoted by our side…Maria, Ontario
Thank you, Robert for being our beacon of knowledge! Michelle, New York
I am forever grateful for my 16+ years of remission and good health which I strongly believe was made possible based on your sage and well researched advice. This was after a wicked FL diagnosis and treatment.…Tom, California.
March 2021
The Lymphoma Survival website is priceless. I was diagnosed in 2007 and have been in remission thus far…much to be thankful for, applying the gems in the website…Monica, Wisconsin
Thank you for your continued energy in producing this newsletter and providing us with this incredibly valuable information month after month! Cliff, Pennsylvania
Thank you for all you do. Your work is life saving and much appreciated…Sandra, UK
I have no words to describe how your website was a bright light of sunshine when I found it after diagnosis- now I am 10+ years in remission and doing great!! Thank you so very much…Matt
I have been reading your articles and newsletters for 13 years and have been following your advice as best as I can and have had no issues with my Follicular Lymphoma in those 13 years. I am so glad I found your website all those years ago and for the good it has done for me and so many others…Janet, Utah
It is so useful to be able to keep up with the information you bring us with an easy-to-read summary – by taking the important bits and avoiding the rubbish! My wife is now over 10 years in remission…Tom & Lou, UK
February 2021
I want to thank you for the incredible work carried out for the benefit of us, your members. I am not surprised you have an international membership, the illness being universal and the facts and advice given in such clear language is understandable by all. You remain an inspiration as well as a fountain of knowledge I would otherwise not have access to…Sheila, UK
I doubled my renewal this year. I hope this will help someone else have access to your wonderful and inspiring research…Robin, Virginia
I want to thank you so much for your being there for so many people in this world. I’m excited about the prospect of receiving my Newsletter every month and have promoted you to many others…Dave, Ontario
Thanks for the useful information…Emmanuel, France
I found you when I was first diagnosed in June 2020. The information you have put up has immensely helped me. I wanted to share my health update and thank you that your process has helped me…Preeti, Mumbai, India (complete response to treatment).
Thanks for all your research, it is truly invaluable…Maureen, Australia
I continue to be feeling great and have not needed treatment since my diagnosis at the Mayo Clinic over 4 years ago. I am a grateful follower of the 4 Pillar program, and want to thank you and your staff again for inspirational and proactive information and testimonials…Nancy, Illinois
Thank-you for your web-site and the information provided! I have made radical changes to my diet/lifestyle since diagnosis. The information you provide has really excited me about my prognosis and how I can positively affect my situation…Jim, Tennessee
January 2021
You’ve been one of the most inspiring and shining lights on the journey; one of the very few that truly resonated with my own understanding of our condition…Mariana, Oregon
Your relentlessly upbeat positive mindset has provided more support than you can imagine for a care giver drowning in the bog that is lymphoma. Keep on keeping on – your website really helps people and you should feel very good about that…Guy, UK
I am one who feels better the more I know about this diagnosis and your site has been such a great resource. I truly appreciate the time you put in to help all of us…Bridget, Michigan
Thank you so much for your exceptional and interesting work…Gianluca, Italy
Very many thanks Robert for all of the superb help that you have given me over the years and to the hundreds of others who have also gained from your expert knowledge and advice. I likely would not be here except for this knowledge…Sheila, British Columbia
I want to thank you for the wealth of useful information I have received over the years – now 11, I believe…Bodil, Netherlands
Thank you for your work. It is life changing as you well know. You are a gift to all of us. I have put a number of new lymphoma patients on to the Newsletter. They love it!…Philip, Ontario
Please be assured of all my gratitude for your dedication and all the judicious advice you provide. It is also thanks to you that I am entering my fifteenth year without treatment for my follicular lymphoma…Christian, France
Thanks for all of your hard work to keep up with new information. You have helped thousands of people. I am cancer clean for 3 years and in the best shape ever at age 70…Paul, Maryland
December 2020
Looking back over (the last 16 years), your letters and responses to my periodic questions have been so helpful. Thank you so much! ..Kyle, Washington State.
Thank you for all these years of help and support. Love y’all for all you do!..Jennifer, Texas
Your information is priceless…Peter, Australia
Still here and a big reason for that is the information you’ve provided…Robert, Pennsylvania
Thanks for all you and your staff do. I am expressing my thanks and gratitude to anyone in my life who makes it all worthwhile and the folks at Lymphoma Survival are on my list…John, Pennsylvania
I cannot thank you enough for your help. You are so kind to provide this information for all of us in the newsletter, but also to provide individual answers and links as to where to go back and look to read more. Your answers will help me and my Dr. make the right decision for me…Anna, Florida.
Thanks, Robert or your website. It has helped me greatly…Larry, Missouri
Thank you for another very informative newsletter, guiding us with information backed by clinical studies. And I relish the fact we are the drivers of our health through lifestyle choices…Karen, Australia
Thanks again for your excellent comments and all the work you put into the 4PEP program and updates…Dave, MD…Florida
November 2020
You were very gracious and thoughtful to pen such a response. While the troubling vaccine decision is mine, I appreciate your perspective…Warren, Illinois
I so appreciate your research and information. I continue to follow your epigenetic pillars…Tanis, Texas
Thank you for your site. It was very helpful during my treatment. I will now follow the 4PEP program…Patricia, Slovenia
Thank you, Robert – for everything – and especially for all the extra newsletters you’ve been sending out since the COVID19 lockdown. I’m so far progression free after six years and still following your recommendations. Kindest Regards, Gerdette, UK
Thanks for everything you do for all of us…Bill, Washington State
Thank you for the valuable information that we believe has helped me stay in remission…Vincent, Indiana
I am among so many who are distinctly appreciative of the work that you and your team dedicate yourselves to each week and each month. I look forward to every publication, and wish you continued health and life’s blessings!…Erin, Texas
October 2020
I have been without B symptoms for 9 years, grateful that I have good resources in you…Ken, California
Thank you for these very informative and helpful newsletters…Sheila, New Hampshire
You are an inspiration & a great help !!..Dominic, Australia
Thanks to you and your staff for keeping us well informed, moving us into the survive zone. Wayne, Pennsylvania
Thank you so much for your advice! That’s very helpful and encouraging. I’m looking forward to reading about natural regression in the October newsletter!…Yuki, Japan
I can’t thank you enough for your newsletter and articles. They have been such a source of help and hope…Christina, Nevada
September 2020
Many thanks for all your helpful newsletters. They are very reassuring in these difficult times. I am currently symptom free and hope that will long continue…Marilyn, UK
You have been kind enough to allow me to access your mountain of information and advice for 3 years now. I’m so grateful for the knowledge received. This is the first contribution I have made while on disability. This is truly just a token of my thankfulness to you Robert and how you have shaped my views on FL and living in general…JP, Ontario
Thank you for all your wonderful work. It is appreciated! …Christine, Ohio
Thank you so much for the research-based, positive information you provide. I was filled with relief and hope after I discovered your website soon after my diagnosis. Your personal story did much to alleviate my anxieties. Even after 17 years, I look forward to reading your newsletters each month, and I often go back to reread them along with the other articles. It would have been lonely to navigate this disease without you. Thank you again for the information and inspiration you and your staff provide…Terri, Florida
It´s always a pleasure for me to receive your words. It´s not enough money for all the value you give. I hope I can help other people without resources…Javier, Spain
Continue your EXCELLENT work!..Guy, Quebec
Thanks for your research. So much more information than the usual doctor visit. I remain asymptomatic and blood work is good. Haven’t seen my oncologist for 18 months. Life is a blessing…Christene, Nova Scotia.
I can’t thank you enough for your ongoing support and excellent outreach to those with follicular lymphoma…Cathy, Nebraska
We often share your general principles, knowing they are good for anyone going through cancer issues. Your work will continue to grow and influence many, far beyond our specific community. THIS is how we beat cancer!!!!…Ken, Illinois
Thank you for your continued support. I attribute my good health of the last 13 years to having found you! Some fine young man in the waiting room gave me your contact info. . .I am blessed. . .Lucy, Ontario
This newsletter is an invaluable resource for our community…Mark, California
August 2020
I started the difficult journey of extensive testing in 2019 to be told I have follicular lymphoma. I was so distraught and confused as I did not understand the diagnosis thus have spent hours researching it. It has been a very difficult 1st year, but as of today I have no active lymph nodes and feel great. I am following the 4 pillars and completely changed my diet to be in line with your recommendations. Words will not give justice to how grateful I am to have found your website. Your knowledge has changed my way of life. I look forward to your monthly newsletters, it gives me hope…Elda, Ontario
As members for 15 years, your newsletter continues to be a lifeline of hope and guidance…Lee and Terri, Texas
Your site continues to be a source of information, support and inspiration to me…Peter, New York
Thank you so much for your dedication and work in producing the newsletters each month. Having not taken any treatment, they have been very helpful for me…Aina, Florida
All your research is much appreciated, making it so much easier for us to feel comfortable. Yvonne, South Africa
I very much appreciate your important work…Ron, Netherlands
You have been an inspiration to me during the last five years particularly pre, during and post chemo and maybe if I hadn’t found the website I would not have been here to write this email. I have only just gone beyond my 6th since my diagnosis, but hey, enjoying life in full…Andy, UK
All is good after 9 years…grateful for the help I receive from your newsletters…Maria, Tennessee
I learn so much from your website. Keep up the good work!…Barbara, Oklahoma
July 2020
Yesterday marked 9 years to the day that I was diagnosed with stage IV follicular NHL. I can still vividly recall that numb feeling; the ensuing weeks of haze and of being unable to process the information. My youngest daughter was 5 at the time. My fear was palpable. I then happened upon your site and my world changed. You infused hope into what was being described as a hopeless situation. For this, my family and I extend our heartfelt thanks…Lili, Ontario
Thank you so much for your continued quality information and uplifting tone…Alison, UK
I find your newsletter very informative. I am 75 and was diagnosed with follicular 4 years ago and so far I have not required treatment beyond the initial excisional biopsy…Norman, California
I’ll be 74 in a couple of weeks, but still treatment and symptom free after 17 years since diagnosis of grade 2 stage 4. After finding your website, it really made a difference in my choices, and having more information was so reassuring that it wasn’t an automatic death sentence! For the past two months I’ve been hiking 6 miles each day and haven’t missed a day yet! You have been my inspiration and source of encouragement since my diagnosis…Joan, Georgia
Thank you for your wonderful newsletter…Deana, Florida
You have turned the world around for so many people, myself included. It has been 17 years since I was diagnosed and 17 years since I started following your advice. I have no cancer markers, nothing. My oncologist in now says, “see you in a year – or so”…David, British Columbia
Thank you for your work and dedication…Gregory, Pennsylvania
As always, I really appreciate all your work. Stage 4 diagnosis nearly 17 years ago, with initial chlorambucil treatment but little intervention since then – am certain the stability can be credited in large part to the 4 pillars way of life. With very best wishes…Gillian, UK
My investment in your newsletter is a pittance relative to the “easy to digest” current medical insights and inspiration you provide me every month. From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate your “being there” for people just like me, all over the world…Dave, Ontario
June 2020
I’ve been doing fine and following the four pillar (4PEP) program as closely as I can! So far, the disease has regressed to where I only have tumors in the axilla whereas before it was all throughout the abdomen, inguinal and neck. I’ve not had any treatment, so it is slowly changing, I hope, for the better! Two years after getting my diagnosis I just kept searching and found your site. I have been eternally grateful for all your hard work. Leslie, Texas
Your articles have been very helpful as I negotiate this change in my health…Connie, Kansas
A shout out to say thank you for the years of research you’ve done to help so many of us meet this disease head on and healthy…Sherry, Pennsylvania
Your research and words of inspiration have helped me tremendously. . . All my best! Michael, Washington, D.C
May 2020
I so appreciate everything you do and your helping people who can’t contribute. I am still good 6 years from diagnosis, thanks to the good Lord and you!!!!!!!! God bless you with much good health…Mary, Tennessee
Thank you for your quick response – more food for thought and references to explore on the site…Karen, California
I want you to know that on many uncertain, anxiety-filled days your work has informed and reassured me. I am very grateful, and should tell you so more often…Lisa
I do so appreciate the effort you and your crew give to research and verified reporting of all things for vibrant survival. I’m in awe of your consistent strength, using your life as an example of good things to come…Carol
April 2020
Made it another year and still without treatment. It’s been 15 years and boy have those years gone by fast! I know I wouldn’t be in this position if it was not for you and your wonderful site and newsletters. Thanks for everything you do for all of us!…Scott, Tennessee
Thank you for continuing to provide information to those of us who need it…Ray, Nevada
Thanks so much for your prompt response and very helpful insight. It’s very much appreciated…Paul, Australia.
Still going strong…I value all that you and your team do Robert. 16 years since diagnosis but who’s counting! Sally, UK
Writing to thank you for your continuing excellent advice and support for the well-being of all of your readers. It is always extremely valuable, especially now…John, Illinois
Louise is now in year 11 of remission and we have found your website excellent at providing balanced information about lymphoma and general health, plus understanding on why things work or don’t work. Thanks again…Tom, UK
Thank you so very much for your kind and informative reply. Your expertise and “plain-talk” are so reassuring even when one is anxious…Marilyn, Nova Scotia
March 2020
I am retired now and I can follow the program even more closely and make some major changes in stress, rest, walking schedule, sun exposure, etc. Doing great, 4 years out from chemo for stage 2 follicular lymphoma, grade 1-2. Your info is a God sent! Thank you for your work and passion! I believe you have done so much for so many! …Dave (MD), Florida
Few information sources have the integrity of your site. Harrison, Australia
Your newsletter is enlightening. I look forward to it every month…Veronica, New York
Just wanted to let you know how wonderful and informative your newsletters are. The research and insight is incredible and is a lifesaver for many of us. Thank you so much! … Christine, Ohio
Just past the 12-year mark with no treatment. And still following the recommended strategies with only a few indulgences …Michael, Georgia
That was an excellent article covering the coronavirus, providing excellent information, identifying strategies (within the context of the 4PEP program) along with a sense of optimism for the realities of those of us with lymphoma. Congratulations…Bob, Massachusetts
February 2020
I consider you to be more of a trusted source of information about follicular lymphoma than all my medical professionals put together!…Cathy, Nebraska
Thank you, Robert, for all your research. My husband is 10 years without relapse…Wendy, Louisiana
I am entering my 14th year after diagnosis with no treatment, for five years after discovering your website. My main focus is twice daily walks and I raise most of my own food. I also am a believer in my infrared sauna. Ed, Idaho
I am healthy now…about 14 years of getting your informative newsletter. Thanks for doing it!..Nancy, Pennsylvania
January 2020
Your commitment to helping fellow lymphoma survivors is a wonderful example of the very best in a human being. I appreciate your work enormously. It has been a life changer !…Robert, South Africa
I just wanted to thank you for your fantastic newsletter each month. My mum recovered from transformation a few years ago, and since then she has been applying many of the 4 pillar approaches. There has been no hint of any lymphoma since then. Your monthly newsletter provides her with an essential reminder of why the 4 pillar recommendations are so vital. She says that without the newsletter, she would have slipped back into many of her old habits…Olly, UK.
I want to thank you again for all the life-extending remedies you have given everyone. For the past ten years I have been doing everything according to the four pillars. I see the oncologist in May anticipating a clean bill of health, mostly because of the timely information within your newsletter…Cheryl, Michigan
Back in December 2008, I never dreamed I would see 2010 let alone 2020! I believe your newsletters provided the knowledge, background and common sense which has eluded or bypassed many of the medical institutions…Margaret, Alberta
Can’t tell you what a comfort it is to receive my monthly newsletter from you which is not only informative but positive. I am thriving…Jodi, UK
Thank you for this wonderful site and your inspiring personal journey and encouragement. I continue doing great; following the 4 PEP recommendations, feeling pro-active and positive. No treatment needed since 2016…Nancy
Love the work you do!..Liz, Illinois
Thank you for your very informative monthly newsletter. We strongly believe that my husband is still with us due to your program…Karin, Oregon
You are the “Man” Robert. I have always appreciated your newsletters and professionalism…Dave, Ontario
Your kindness and perseverance in promoting lymphoma survivorship through education is outstanding and celebrated by a grateful community!..Erin
December 2019
Thanks in large part to the knowledge you make easy to access, I’m doing well. Ten years since diagnosis, nodes in the abdomen are normal and a few in the neck have reduced in size. All blood markers are normal. No treatment to date. THANK YOU…Camille, North Carolina
I am now 1 year out from my diagnosis. Over the year, the largest tumor in my abdomen shrunk from 4.0 cm to 2.7 cm without any “modern” treatment, just things in the 4PEP program…Veronica, Kentucky
Your site has helped sustain me since 1998!..Laurie, North Carolina
Thank you for an invaluable resource!…Deanna, Ontario
Thank you for all your research and help through the years!..Gale, California
Thank you for all of your deep analysis and research. It has really helped me to take care of myself through all of this…Beth, California
Thank you for the invaluable support this site has provided. Diagnosed NHL stage 2 grade 3b Nov 2018 and now in remission…Craig, U.K.
Thank you Robert for another year of wonderful research and information, I am now five years out from diagnosis still on watch and wait…Gerdette, Ireland.
Thank you so much, Robert. I am happy to report that I am still treatment-free from 2010. I give a lot of credit to you and the website. Thanks for continuing your amazing work…Cathy, Nebraska
November 2019
We don’t know how we could cope with making informed decisions about treatment without you. You shine light into darkness…Craig, Ontario
Thank you for your work. My husband still doing fine…Susan, Australia
Thank you and your staff for all you do for those of us with lymphoma. I’m in clinical remission!..Wayne, Pennsylvania
Thanks for your guidance and continuing research. I’m very grateful. All well here!..Charles, California
Twenty years and going strong! CT shows no sign of disease. Thank you so much…Richard, Illinois
I feel so good health-wise that I go days without thinking about lymphoma. The information we get from you is priceless, helping us to stay alive…Jennie, New Zealand.
October 2019
I have now marked my 20th year of survival. Nothing really new to report, but I simply want to thank you again for the guidance and friendship you have offered me (and many others) for oh so many years now…Sands, Nevada
Thanks so much for your newsletters. I always learn something…Becky, Alabama
Your newsletter has been more than just helpful in my recovery and staying cancer free for nearly eight years now…Ben, Tennessee
Insight, experience and research…Jim, Texas
Thank you again for the very informative, helpful and positive newsletters…Sheila, New Hampshire
Thanks so much for your inspirational and tireless efforts towards positively educating the masses about Lymphoma…Ron, Texas
Thank you again for the time you have taken to assemble the invaluable information on your site. I honestly don’t know where I would be without your support on this journey…Jeanne, Massachusetts
Being diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in 2009 I still find this website very useful. Keep up the good work…Joe, Hawaii
My partner has been diagnosed with FL. This website has been such a great help in times of worry. I have found great direction and extreme help and I cannot thank Robert and his team enough…Christa, New Zealand
September 2019
Thank you once again for your never ending contribution to lymphoma survivors. I admire the legacy you are leaving and do know that your work has substantially helped to make a difference…Rob, Alberta
I’ve read many of your articles, and you are my role model in this fight. I follow you advice, diet, and of course the four pillars. The professionalism and care that you continually demonstrate is tremendously valuable for all of us (lymphoma survivors). You are doing a great thing, a great legacy…Mikel, from Venezuela
Thank you for your fine service with continued health and well-being. Connie, New York
I’m very grateful to you. Your newsletters are like going to college. I appreciate them a lot, as a lymphoma patient and as a therapist. I recommend your website to many people with lymphoma here in Spain…Javier, Spain
Love your monthly newsletter. Thanks for all your research. It’s been 10+ years (after diagnosis with no treatment), happy to report wellness…Christene, Nova Scotia
August 2019
Attached are my latest pathology results. All tumours disappeared 4 months after I started my protocol. Blood and gene expressions had corrected in 5 weeks. Officially recorded as “Spontaneous Remission”. The other factor I believe helped me was that when diagnosed I was never fearful of the condition. I acknowledged it as a sign that my system was not in balance and I needed to look at all aspects of my life…Ian, Australia
I have truly benefited from your information. Keep up the wonderful helpful Newsletter! …Barbara, Oklahoma
Thank you for the hope and tenacity you have gifted to so many…Kate, Washington
I can’t thank you enough for all the information you provide. You are saving lives including mine…Linda
Your site is extremely valuable to our community. Thank you for your eternal dedication to this mission…John, Illinois
A big thank you for Lymphoma Survival and the dedication you have sustained for so long in the sharing of valuable information. My diagnosis came 2 to 3 months ago and trying to find a way through the masses of scientific papers and diagnostic steps was like being blind folded in a dark room. So a massive thank you for the LS site directed specifically at fNHL…Margaret, Australia
July 2019
I want to thank you for your great website. Reading what you have to say really does help me to stay positive. Now treatment is over I shall be applying your four pillar programme and won’t be giving up. Thank you and please keep up the great work…Victoria, UK
Thank you for doing such important work on lymphoma survival. It is much appreciated…Rina, Massachusetts
Thanks, Robert for your continuing guidance, even as your NHL seems to be behind you. Others might have considered “retiring” from the newsletter grind. Your (commitment) is selfless and inspiring! Happy hiking!..Robert, Indiana
Thank you so much for your site. It has been a comfort to go and read reliable information during some very scary times…Harvil, New York
Thank you for your continuing dedication and constant updates. This has been so helpful and supportive for me…Peter, New York
We are lucky a person like you was diagnosed so long ago and is now so healthy with so much knowledge!!! Us newbies coming in to it gives us such a better outlook on the whole thing and makes it seem much less scary…Christa, Australia
June 2019
Many thanks for your continued support and work in making information and the latest news about research around lymphoma available. As far as I’m concerned, it is unmatched by any other source…Gary M….UK
I’m doing well. 88 years old, nine years since diagnosis, no treatment. Year ago chemo recommended, but delayed, and recent CT shows dramatic shrinkage of tumors, so no chemo needed…Richard, California
Thank you so very much for all your wisdom, knowledge and support. Couldn’t do this without you!!…Lisa, Illinois
Thank you again very much for your fantastic and useful job! Best greetings from Italy…Renato
I appreciate your years of hard work. Since I started out in January 2014 with enlarged nodes over neck and chest both sides, each year has improved. I don’t think I could have continued with the wait and see approach. After finding your site, I immediately started applying your program. Improvements showed up soon after in the 6 month scan…so thankful for your expertise…Mary, Tennessee
May 2019
Thank you and the entire team at All of you are you are working with science, patience, passion and conviction in order to provide the rest of us with the most updated, informed, hopeful and encouraging analysis, as well as motivation to thrive…Monica, Spain
Thanks for all your good work. I’m a 16 year survivor, no treatment since 2010 thriving on exercise x 2 + diet (from the 4PEP program) plus attitude and encouragement…feeling terrific and thankful…Karen, Arizona
My brother continues to do well and we attribute it to your website and all of your help!…Lily, New Jersey
Thank you so much Robert for this excellent site! A life saver!…Celine, Ontario
Thanks as always for your amazing work…Gillian, UK
I just received my 6 year annual check after a diagnosis of stage 4 follicular NHL . My haematologist is very pleased with my blood results and general health. My next appointment will be in April 2020. The 4PEP program is most definitely the way forward…Michael, UK.
Thank YOU for taking the time to continue to run such an excellent resource! Much appreciated…Krista, Ontario
You are doing a terrific job with your Lymhomasurvival site! Best site for this kind of disease…Eugen, Romania
You gave me hope when I was in a very dark place after diagnosis. I have spread the word to nurses that helped during treatments to let other patients know to sign up for informed guidance…Paul (Pharmacist), Ontario
April 2019
Once again I would like to thank you for all the interesting and enlightening information you pass on to us – I think we are extremely fortunate and blessed to have someone like you who devotes so much time to finding out all about our condition. It is over 5 years since I was first diagnosed with follicular lymphoma and I am in good health at the moment and I am convinced that its due to all the excellent advice and research you have done in this regard…Elaine, New Zealand
I have no tangible explanation as to why your words of encouragement lift my spirit the way that they do. Maybe it is your compassion and knowing that what you do is for the benefit of others…Ray, Nevada
I have immense respect work you and the work you do for this community…Patrick, Ontario
I appreciate all the work you are doing: it has been a great source of help, let alone comfort to my family to know that there is, indeed, reason to be optimistic…Christopher, England
Just want to say how much I appreciate what you and Jill do for me and the group. I have had occasion to seek your advice and input over the past year and am always impressed by the depth of knowledge you guys have. I really don’t know if my oncologist is exasperated or impressed with the information I come armed with to my appointments but we certainly have had some more in-depth discussions because of it…Dave, Minnesota
The website is a brilliant source of helpful information and support…Patrick, UK.
March 2019
I’m keeping up with my 2 year old daughter while following your 4P-GRS program on a daily basis. My bloodwork including vitamin D level is stellar. My doc praised me for being so informed. Richard, California.
Your site is appreciated so much. It is one-of-a-kind. Thank-you for all of the work you put into research…Charlene, Ontario
Your research and community building continue to inspire me. I’m now 10 years from diagnosis and 9 years from treatment—and could not be better!…David, Minnesota
I never have to worry about the validity of the information you share…Kevin, Nova Scotia
I really appreciate your information and that you work so hard to keep it all up to date…Daryl, Washington
Your work is a rare and special resource for all of us dealing with lymphomas — CLL in my case…Pete, Virginia
Your work has given me hope and help over the years. I just passed my 11 year anniversary after diagnosis with no treatment and I owe it all to you and your wonderful website. You are my go-to for all things follicular lymphoma related. I am ever and eternally grateful to you for your inspiration, knowledge and research…Janet, Utah
February 2019
You and your team are a huge blessing in our lives; the beautiful newsletter photos each month, the research and all to keep us going. Thanks to you and your knowledge I am still going along happily without treatment…Carolyn, Ohio
I was lucky to find your website which I follow closely. I’m an osteopath and a specialist in micro nutrition and the body’s microbiome. I want to congratulate you for the incredible work you are doing…Javier, Spain
In the busy-ness of the day, it sometimes is easy to get lax in staying on top of things. Your website is a great reminder to ‘stay the course’…Bill, Oklahoma.
We are so appreciative of you and your newsletter. Thank you for all you do for this community. I have followed you for years…Julie
Your web page has been extremely helpful and offers clarity to a complex subject…Ron, Scotland
Thanks very much for the excellent site and newsletters. My wife and I appreciate all of the information. She is in her 10th year of remission now, and we sincerely believe that information you have presented has had a big effect on this…Tom, UK
Your site continues to be a blessing for so many people…Richard (MD), California
January 2019
I’m happy to report that I’ve now reached 15 years without any treatment. My success is due to finding your site all those years ago. It takes a certain mindset and motivation to explore all the evidence and make positive changes while maintaining a balance and leading an enjoyable and fruitful life. I’ve learned more here than I ever would have otherwise…Sue, UK.
Thanks for all of your efforts. It has really made a difference for me – now 14 years since I was diagnosed…Boris, B.C
You are helping more people than you know…Tom, Pennsylvania
Thank you, Robert, for this wonderful informative and inspirational site. I look forward each month to the newsletter and am continuing to feel proactive, positive, and healthy…Nancy, Illinois
Being an informed patient is an important part of getting top quality care & treatment. Thank you for being an important part of that matrix!…Jody, Ohio
I would like to extend a big Thank You in return for all the information and support you give. I look forward to the monthly newsletter and find it a great help and comfort…Sheila, UK
My lymphoma appears to be under control. No symptoms for at least the last 10 years…Nancy, Pennsylvania
Thank you for maintaining this stellar service. It is so reassuring to see the latest information regularly…Harrison, Australia
Last week was my 6-month check-up. The node I’ve been watching for the last 2 years, originally about the size of a quail’s egg, has regressed to ¼ its size over the last 6 months. My doctor commented on how significant that is. Then, to my surprise, he said I can just be followed with an annual checkup…Dianne, Georgia
December 2018
In 2015 I persuaded my doc to use the R-GDP treatment vs. the (standard) R-ICE. I based this request on the information on this site. My doc agreed and based on my results and her own reading she has since treated a couple of other NHL patients and she thanked me for being a good advocate for my own care. So, again, this site has had a beneficial impact on patients who aren’t even on this site. A true blessing that is rippling outward and doing good in the world…Richard, California
Doing well…thanks to you in no small measure…Kevin, Florida
Thank you Robert for 10 years of advice, guidance, scientific analysis and general practical information that has, in large part, been part of my recovery and ongoing optimal health! I feel fortunate to have found your website 10 years ago and look forward to the next 10 years! Thank you and continued good health…Margaret, Alberta
Thank you for all your support and help during 2018. I always look forward to receiving your email and Newsletter and find it very informative and interesting…Ann, UK
I want to thank you for all of your hard work, research and persistence. Your articles and protocols keep me optimistic… Beth, California
I’ll take this opportunity to say how much I appreciate your work. What you are doing graciously makes a unique and precious gift to us your readers…Charlene, Ontario
The newsletter is a great resource which I look forward to receiving each month…John, Pennsylvania
I often wonder whether you realize what a positive impact your work has on the emotional well-being of people like me. Knowing we have your backup support with all your knowledge and empathy, plus your availability and willingness to give guidance if needed is truly a remarkable gift…Jean, UK
November 2018
I’m well with lymphoma way in the back of my mind. Your monthly updates of management principles are particularly useful to me as it keeps my epigenetic- support habits front-of-mind! Thank you again for the wonderful contributions you make. Best, Milt, California
Thank you and everyone for your hard work. This newsletter has been an important source of information, and most importantly consolation, for me in my 10-year “ownership” of follicular lymphoma. I would have felt like I was wandering alone in the desert without its help…Melanie, Georgia
Once again our congratulations for the excellent support provided with your webpage and monthly newsletters to lymphoma patients around the world, Best regards, Montse & Uwe, Germany
I have been a member of the website for almost 11 years, shortly after I was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma. I have followed the suggestions for living a healthy lifestyle given to us by Robert and his team. They are all amazing. If you want to know what is going on in the research on follicular lymphoma, this is the place for you!! I am 11 years from diagnosis and still no treatments necessary. Thanks to Robert Miller and his amazing research and all those who help him manage the website. This is THE very best place to get answers to your questions…Jane, Utah
October 2018
I am still kicking. It’s been 7 years since the first diagnosis. Thanks for the good work! Best Regards, Ken…California
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of your hard work to help others in this follicular lymphoma boat. I am definitely in the “Group 1” crowd and am having to work hard to stop reading and go to sleep at night. So much to learn!…Lisa, South Carolina
Continue your excellent work…Guy, Quebec
Your website is an invaluable source of reference and your continuous dedication to our cause is appreciated beyond words…Gerry
September 2018
I have found your articles to be more informative and with more practical advice than any which I have received from the doctors, specialists, hospital or seminars. Elaine, New Zealand
Four years now, no treatment. I read the newsletters each month…great info…Helen, Idaho
Your information is invaluable…David, New York
…so grateful for what you do and for my good fortune of finding you as a resource and inspiration!…Scott, California
Thanks for your amazing work and professional presentation!…Ian, New Zealand
Your site has been a great resource for me and my family. Eric, Alabama
I am doing great, no treatment for 5 years. I am convinced that the application of your strategy is the reason. I added yoga and meditation that I think contribute in some way to optimal gene expression. I don’t expect much from the medical community in terms of prevention or follow up after treatment. What I learned is that you have to take responsibility for your health and your life. That way you feel empowered to change things and influence your life in positive ways. Unfortunately this philosophy is far from main stream. I also realize it is impossible to transfer what I know to others since they need to have the will to change or take some steps themselves. You can’t force it on anybody…P.M…Quebec
August 2018
Thank you so much for all of your newsletters and work. I just read this months and I found it particularly inspiring. Previously, I only had a small idea of what you had been through but this really helped me to better understand your journey and to further appreciate the gift you have given all of us readers. I am very lucky to have you and the resources you provide. Thus far my path has been so much easier than yours and thanks to your help I expect it to remain that way…Greg, Colorado
Thank you for your amazing work in this world. You have touched so many lives. We are flourishing in SC…Charles
It’s my 10 year anniversary today since diagnosis, and a million thanks to you all for helping us all on the journey. I am so well now. Thanks Robert…Yvonne,
Thanks for the continued great work and articles…Ken, Alberta
I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my emails and of course all the hard work that you have done!…Leslie
I’m already amazed and relieved with the information you have provided. The new members guide is absolutely brilliant. For the first time since my diagnosis, I feel I have the resources to help me navigate and face this head on…Jamie
July 2018
The information you provide is amazing and the newsletter format is the only publication I receive that is read from beginning to end every month. It’s exciting times with all the new information and very rewarding to see how the (lymphoma Survival) 4P-GRS program has benefited us all these years…Mac, New York
Thanks for sharing your wonderful newsletters and articles…Mary Jon, Ontario
Thank you Robert for your work on our behalf…Rina, Massachusetts
Doing well, 10 years out now…lots of organic veggies and berries from our garden…and the will to live…Glenn, Minnesota
Thank you for all the research. You keep us informed and aware of the newest information. I really appreciate your hard work. Linda…California
Thank you very much for your hard work (with guidance) that you make available for us. Gustavo, Israel
The information you provide is priceless; it has guided us over the years…Marsha, Tennessee
June 2018
Infinite thanks to you and your support team for all your valuable work and hard efforts to run Lymphoma Survival and for the great job that you all do to keep us members around the world updated and informed on developments in relation to fNHL! It’s certainly much appreciated and highly valued!.. John, Japan
I enjoy reading your articles and newsletters. Thank you for making this complex disease easier to understand! …Diane from Eastern Canada
Thank you, Robert, for all you do for us. I look forward to the newsletters soooo much each and every month. They are so informative, well written and chock full of fascinating, useful information. We are incredibly grateful for your generosity in sharing and leading in knowledge, research, dedication…Lisa, Illinois
Thanks a million yet again for all your energy and enthusiasm in keeping us all informed and educated – am 100% confident that the reason I’m still here, and in good health (touch wood!) despite stage 4 diagnosis 15 years ago, is your sound 4 pillar advice which has become a way of life…Gillian, UK
(My husband) has been doing the majority of your how to live to fight this cancer for 14 years now and so far still no treatment has been needed. Yea!!..Jackie, Washington
Your site has proven to be the bench mark for clear and accurate information for all who have lymphoma…Ron, Scotland
Thank you very much and all those who assist you. I know a lot of work goes into every newsletter and article. I appreciate it tremendously. …Veronica, New York
Thank you for all the fantastic work you do Robert. With all good wishes, Alisoun…UK
Thank you Robert for all you do for me and for all of us in this community. It’s truly appreciated and inspiring…Mitesh
I remain so appreciative of your website and all of the great information provided. It has been of tremendous help and resource for me. So far, all is good for me, but I remain diligent and try to do my part…Peter, New York
May 2018
I appreciate the information this site provides. I have been a survivor since 2008 and live a wonderful, fun life full of adventure. I hike, ski, travel, continue to work full time and love life…Rebecca, Louisiana
Thanks for all you and the administrators do to give people hope!! I’m still doing well…Cathy, Nebraska
The contribution that you and the Discussion Board moderators have made over the years has been just extraordinary. Thanks so much. It affects our quality of life!…Helen, Australia
Thank you for all the great information you provide…Karen, New Jersey
I am doing well – 12 years since diagnosis with no treatment. I always appreciate hearing the latest in cancer research and your insight into it…Judy, Alberta
I followed your guidelines for my mother during her treatment. (She was able to follow most of the content in Article #8 on optimizing chemotherapy). I cannot tell you how grateful we are that you are here to give guidance and suggestions. Jill, Massachusetts
(My mother, now age 79, was diagnosed 14 years ago). She has had two bouts of chemo – last one in 2011. We’re very grateful for this website and all your research and those on your team of helpers and allies…Celine.
Thank you for all of your wonderful work over the years. You’ve made such a difference in my life and the lives of so many others! I’m eleven years out now and going strong!… Richard, California
April 2018
You are my role model! I look forward to also celebrating 30 years one day. Your work has been life extending and inspirational to so many patients. I send all the newly diagnosed folks I speak with to your website…Michael, Illinois
Hi Robert! I just read your recent announcement in the newsletter that you have no evidence of follicular lymphoma. What great news!!!!! I am really really happy for you. It’s wonderful to know that if we stick to your program, we too might have similar results…. Terry, California
I enjoy reading your very enlightening newsletter every month…Brigitte, Montana
I can never express my appreciation for your dedication in helping so many people with this disease. I will be 75 in May.
Four years ago I was diagnosed with enlarged nodes in neck and chest both sides. Did no treatment except yours. Every year nodes have decreased. This year only a few in the neck remain. Thank you so much for giving all of us hope and such good knowledge. God bless you… Mary, Tennessee
I’m just looking back over information from you in preparation for a meeting at the Center for Cancer Healing and I just couldn’t help to send a quick email after looking at this one to say what an enormous blessing and help you are. You have made the most calming impact of anyone…Maggie, California
Thank you again for all the wonderful work you and your team do each month. You’ve touched a lot of lives…Todd, Nebraska
I congratulate to your fantastic site. I have learned a lot about lymphoma from your experiences…Csaba, Hungary
I’m most impressed by the site and am pleased to have practical advice on self-help. Watch and wait is deadly if you see medics as having all the answers…Jeni, England
(My brother) continues to follow your recommendations and your website. He is doing great! He has had a spontaneous regression. His Dr. at University of Pennsylvania said he is “a miracle”…Lily
March 2018
I follow all of your advice and ALL aspects of the program about as closely as anyone could, feeling healthier than I have in years. An awesome program! Thank you Robert for sharing your work, knowledge and success and giving survivors not only hope but also understanding and results. Dave, Florida
Thank you, as always, Robert, for creating and sustaining this wonderful and life-giving resource and community. This is my 10th year since diagnosis, shortly after which I discovered you and Lymphoma Survival. I have no doubt that the information and mindset that you so faithfully share are among the most important factors in my continued good health. Here’s to you and your team! Good health to all!..David, Massachusetts
Thank you for your excellent research and valuable information provided on the website from monthly newsletters and email communications. I really appreciate all this support…Min-Hong, Singapore
Thank you for keeping us up-to-date with the latest research. It advises caution where necessary but is always positive and supportive.
WOW! I have been on your site, thank you so much for your information. It’s wonderful and I feel so empowered. I have my first Dr. Apt next week and feel so much more in control. I so appreciate your patience and help while I was trying to get into the site yesterday…Beth, Illinois
February 2018
You are so generous with your time and good care which give me, a lymphoma patient, positive feedback and helping me to be proactive with the help of your wonderful newsletters…Gwyn, UK
What you do is like a beacon in a stormy sea for so many people…Harrison, Australia
Thank you for your contribution to empowerment. Well done…Steve, Sweden
Thank you again for this wonderful website. It is much appreciated…Monica, Wisconsin
Two years post treatment, I’m feeling well. I’ve gotten so much good information from the newsletters…Judy, Ontario
Dear Robert and Team. Thank You Very Much!!! Yes I will take the opportunity and do my Very Best to try and guide my friend. I send my gratitude to you with all the best wishes and support. Looking forward to take part of your “en devour”…Stefan, France
Thank you for your very insightful website. My husband follows your program to the letter. So far, so good. No treatment since his diagnosis in 2014. Your website is the only one that provides all the information needed in one place…Karin, Oregon
January 2018
When I scoured the web for answers, your site was the most informative and calming influence in my life. Robert, you are my inspiration, truly. The conversation we had, and the newsletters you provide have given me a guideline to navigate my way through this disease. My doctors all believe in the things you say, and there are no naysayers in the bunch…Cliff, Pennsylvania
I am thankful to each of you (on the team) for all the research you have done. And thank you so much for the effort you put into reporting complicated topics in a clear and understandable way…Veronica, New York
Your website is a lifeline for me and many others…Karen, Australia.
Thanks for your persistent research! Knock on wood, no treatment needed since diagnosis in 2008. I give you and the Four Pillar program credit…also following your lead in getting some sunshine this year as well in AZ, FL and HI…Robert, Indiana
(I’m a 28 year survivor, now age 80) keeping very active, following your lifestyle strategies, six years since last treatment. You have empowered me to take control of my own health which I’m convinced has extended my life…Jean, UK.
You’re doing a fantastic, balanced job- and it seems there’s a lack of balance in the world at the moment!…Inigo, Australia
I really look forward to the information, insight and new findings in the monthly newsletters…Margaret, Alberta
I know how much the newsletter has helped me. The great information that you supply us all is greatly appreciated. It is always informative, thought provoking and based in science. I always look forward to receiving it in my mailbox…Jenny, New Hampshire
December 2017
I want to compliment you and your staff for the excellent work you do. Your 2-pronged (covering treatments and natural strategies) website is the best. I am doing fine…into my 13th year, no treatment and feeling well….Kevin, Indiana, USA
I have been in remission for 2 years and have been following the Four Pillar (4P-GRS) program for those 2 years. I am convinced it has made a huge difference. It certainly makes a big difference in my head to understand epigenetics and feel a bit more in control…Keith, London, UK
I’m currently enjoying an important regression from my two sick nodes within 5 months of diagnosis. Both went down from 25 & 22 mm to 7 mm. ..Pierre, Switzerland
I was diagnosed two years ago and have always been asymptomatic. I asked for guidance and found your website early on. I have been following the Four Pillar (4P-GRS) strategies carefully and (fairly) devotedly. After the one-year CT scan they could not even find the original tumor… Julie, New Jersey, USA
Three years now since diagnosis and no treatment so far. Very grateful to you for the information which set me on the right track and gave me hope. Thank you so very much….Gerdette, Ireland
Hi Robert… I continue to do well. Four years post diagnosis, tumor load still low and so far I’ve not needed treatment. I credit the four pillars which I try to follow strictly. Thanks for the information and the encouragement it gives me!…Camille, Seattle, USA
It sounds like you’re doing beautifully. I am too, largely due to the survival wisdom you’ve imparted over the years. What you’ve done for our fNHL community has been immeasurable…. Lili, Ontario, Canada
Your early articles made me aware of the great benefits of sufficient vitamin D, and the risks of not attaining and maintaining high normal levels year-round. This, along with gems from your collection, gives cause to thank you for 9 years of recovery, stability and remission…. Jack, Alberta, Canada
Hi Robert first of all, thanks for the marvellous support of power, strength and information that you provide. I’m really glad to have found you as a travel friend. I’m a very curious person and always look at the bright side of life. It’s a pleasure to have you as fellow traveller during this trip. Ciao e buona note…. Antonio, Italy
It was in Feb 2014 that I was first diagnosed and have not had to have any form of treatment so far! Your site has been soooooo helpful!…Sandy, Indiana, USA
When I first got to know about some years ago it opened up a huge hope door for me. Since then I am closely following your recommendations, and am doing much better. I am managing my own life for 20++ years survival as my goal, and I never feel uninformed when I talk to my doctor….Monica, Spain
November 2017
Thanks to you and your team for providing invaluable information that is keeping many of us in the thrive zone. For me it’s been 10 years…Wayne, Pennsylvania
Thank you and your team for all of your hard work. I feel blessed to have found the website!!..Tina, Nevada
I appreciate so very much what you do. This site, newsletters, and chat have helped me find direction and hope, plus a wealth of information. I feel empowered and hopeful…Vincent, California
It has been over 8 years now since my husband was diagnosed. Other than a round of chorambucil at the onset he has been symptom free and thriving. He is healthy and active and we thank you and your newsletters for keeping us informed and motivating us to eat well, sleep well, exercise daily, be positive and take our vitamin D!…Anne
It is now five years since I was diagnosed with Stage 4, Grade 1 follicular lymphoma, at age 67. Thanks to the 4P-GRS plan I am still going strong, without chemo. I have been going for six-monthly blood checks and have had two follow-up CT scans showing no progression of the lymphoma.Thank you very much for your initiative and perseverance…. Theodor, South Africa
My doctor said he didn’t need to see me back for a year, rather than 3 months. Your newsletter, updates and personal stories encourage me and give me a feeling of empowerment that I’m being proactive with my health. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your work. I really appreciate it…Cathy, British Columbia
October 2017
LymphomaSurvival is a treasure trove of knowledge! Thank you for all the work you do to make this knowledge available to us. I cannot say this enough…Tim, Arizona
Thanks again, Robert, for your speedy response to my email about 2 months ago. I really appreciated your feedback. Keep up the fantastic work that you & your team do…Dom, Australia
Thank you for your continued hard work. It really does make a huge difference…Barb, Ontario
Thanks for providing us with a pipeline direct into the latest info to help us make decisions on managing our survival. You have made a difference…Rob, Alberta
Thank you Robert for what you and your excellent team do for us. Allan, Michigan
Many thanks for your invaluable work. I greatly appreciate the dedication and time you invest in keeping so many of us informed . . . and surviving! Warmest regards…Charles, California
We are interested in keeping up-to-date on FL issues. Your monthly newsletters and updates are very much appreciated. Congratulations on your great job and thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge and experiences with many FL survivors around the world!..Montse, Germany
September 2017
Thanks, Robert! Yes, it has been many great years, thanks to you, your team, and the Natural Strategies (4P-GRS program). I almost feel cured on some days, with barely any lumps, and I hope to maintain this level of health for as long as possible…Kate, Washington (12+ year survivor following chlorambucil treatment)
All your hard work and efforts are greatly appreciated!!!…Ron, Texas
Thank you for all the vital information and encouragement that has led to my remission. As you say, it is a journey…Sheila, New Hampshire
I’ve been in remission for 10 years now and delighted about it! Thanks for continuing your wonderful research and newsletter – AND, more importantly – glad you are feeling well! Thanks…Peg
You influenced my life in a huge positive way and I cannot find words to tell you how much your work has contributed to my life taking a new turn…Pascal, Quebec.
Please keep up the good work and stay strong. 6th year so far without symptoms. Knock on wood!…Ken, California
Thanks for your continued service to keep us lymphoma survivors encouraged and informed…Nathan, Kansas
Thank you for your tireless research. You have helped me and untold numbers of other people. I am thankful to be able to visit my hematologist with questions about the latest research and methods of treatment. Even he, the scientist, now agrees that vitamin D, sleep, nutrition, and exercise are required to maintain a healthy body which is essential for combating the progress of fNHL…Christine, Nova Scotia
August 2017
We appreciate all the work you and your team do, look forward to the monthly newsletter and are amazed at the accuracy of your work going back to 2006 when we first took out membership. Also, your prompt and detailed responses to my emails are most appreciated…Mac, New York
Thank you for sharing your four pillar approach and epigenetic lifestyle tips; all of these are undoubtedly the reason I am still here today…Ronnie, South Africa.
My mum is doing well (lymphoma no longer evident) and is very grateful for all your help and support. Thank you for your amazing work and encouragement! Best wishes…Olly, UK
Thank you to all, for the great newsletter. I really appreciate all the effort and research. Here’s to another year of health…Yvonne, South Africa
Thank you for the wealth of information and support you and your team provide…Metta, Sri Lanka
You provide such valuable education and great hope for so many who are connected in some fashion to this wonderful web site. Thank you, L and T…Texas
July 2017
Beautifully written newsletter, mate (as we aussies say). Clear and apparently missing nothing important (in the relevant current literature)…Neil, Australia
Thank you so much for your years and years of hard work. You will never realize just how much you have helped us and I am sure so many others. You give people hope along with sound knowledge…Cheryl
Thank you for keeping us updated with all your research. You are always the first one that presents the data so we can understand it. You filter out so much that is confusing. I appreciate your efforts more than I can say…Linda, California
I continue to be indebted to you for all of your research and recommendations. It’s been a tremendous help for me…Peter, New York
I must tell you again how much your research, articles and insights have contributed to my overall health and wellness over the years since first being diagnosed in February, 2010. With boatloads of appreciation and gratitude for you all you do,..Gail, New Hampshire
Thank you for your continued hard work, dedication and support in creating and distributing the monthly newsletter. For me, it has been by far the best source of information and forward thinking about this unwelcome condition and at the very least has enabled me to approach its management in a way that engages mind, body and soul…Gary, UK.
I shall never be able to thank you enough for your devotion to serious research and to the well-being of fellow survivors and your sound advice to help with extending the lifespan of all of us…Joe, UK.
June 2017
Thanks for your website. It has been inspirational and most helpful over these past 10 years, and continues to be so. I constantly marvel at how you were advocating the health benefits of Epigenetics and the downside of sugar for so many years. Thank goodness for your earlier recommendations. As Lymphoma Survival members we are still benefiting to this day…Allen, Australia
Your continued efforts to inform the community are so valuable. Without the newsletter and other resources I would be truly lost…Martha, Ontario
I am doing fantastic…three years past diagnosis and no treatment, no problems. Following protocol 85% of the time. Added a personal trainer to my exercise regime with great results. Been cruising the gulf coast of southwest Florida shopping farmers markets for fresh food, paddle boarding and walking in the sunshine~ life is good…Julie, Florida
For two years now I have followed everything relating to pre and during chemotherapy suggestions at Robert’s wonderful website and I am so grateful for all the information he provides for us. Thank you Robert again for what you do and I hope I would be in a position one day to help some people in the same way that you do…Andy, UK
I feel lucky that I am able to continue my subscription for another year, having been diagnosed with stage 4 follicular lymphoma 14 years ago – with only chlorambucil and a minor radiotherapy treatment on the way. There is no doubt that the ‘Four Pillars Strategy’ – all down to you – has had a hugely significant influence on this! As ever, many thanks for all your amazing work. Best wishes…Gillian, UK
You have the most informative information for my cancer. Love your stuff and appreciate the research…Dan, Missouri
May 2017
I want to thank you for the report and more importantly for your undaunting contribution over the many years in helping us to understand Follicular Lymphoma and for condensing volumes of peer reviewed research into frank discussion on ways in which we can all improve our survival time. Your legacy will not be forgotten…Rob
Thank you so much for all of the wisdom you share on LymphomaSurvival. I am almost nine years out from my diagnosis date and blessed to say I am very healthy. Your site has not only provided current information and strategies, but much needed emotional support as well. Just this past month, I shared your site with a newly diagnosed guy. He was still in the confused, fearful state right after diagnosis and your site was just what he needed…Rebecca, Louisiana
You and I had a phone consultation this past August. During our conversation you made me feel a million times better about the prospect and what the treatment could do for me. I had R-B, took the hot baths, walked, and followed the nutritional suggestions in Articles 8 and 9. A week ago I met with my doctor to get the results of my after treatment PET scan. I had a complete response to the treatments. YAY!!!!!! Nothing lit up– no signs of active disease. I just want to thank you (and your team) and tell you the good news…Tina, Nevada
I was diagnosed in 2005, took R-CVP in 2006 and have been in remission ever since. I’m sure the chemo helped but I think it is the lifestyle choices that have given me enduring remission. Last summer was my last checkup!
Thank you for all your service to everyone… Joan, BC
Thanks for all the good work…Michael, Florida
Thank you for this life-saving website. My journey with lymphoma continues. I find your words and wisdom extremely helpful…Victoria, New York
Glad to see that you continue to thrive and are able to keep your valuable site going for lymphoma survivors around the world. (For me), 12 years and still no treatment…Scott, Tennessee
Your info on epigenetics and the 4 pillars has been my guiding path since diagnosis. I feel physically, mentally, and spiritually better than ever, and empowered to move forward. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that the you and the other “founding contributors” do to keep us aware of research and the evolution of epigenetic principles and treatment options…Nancy
April 2017
I’m doing well. Still no treatment 5 years post-diagnosis…Debra, Washington
I just got back from my checkup. My doctor said comeback in 6 months. Still no treatments after a year and a half following your strategy!…Allan, Michigan
…Love being a member and following all the latest info you bring us with such care – it’s been eleven years since I joined! Tracey, Australia
Thanks again for all your efforts. I’m in my 8th year of remission so all is well. I appreciate all of the information….Alan, Ontario
Glad to report that I am going on 3rd year of watch and wait and I had near golf ball lump in neck that led to detection. Now that lump is not detectable by feel. I believe it has been the double dailies and in general your basic advice including vitamin D, a mild addiction to yogurt and raspberries and a wonderful border collie to walk many miles with. Thank you…Thurston, Massachusetts
It has been about two years since my R-B treatment. I am doing very well, with more energy and no palpable growth of nodes. Thank you for your service to so many patients. Your portal has been a great source of reassurance for so many people, including myself…Chari, California
Thank you for all you do, Robert. My life is better because of you…Cheryl
Having been diagnosed with NHFL 3 years ago, each year there has been a dramatic decrease in enlarged lymph nodes thanks to God and you and your program. I am so thankful for you and your diligent ministry of sharing such important information. May God bless all of you with this very needed work!…Mary, Tennessee
I feel like the information (on maintenance rituximab) you made so freely available helped me dodge a bullet! Today I am well with no symptoms. Thank you for all your hard work, it’s so appreciated…Karen, U.K.
Thank you…All the information you share with us, is so helpful. I am so grateful that I found your website and subscribe to your newsletter…Karen, Ontario
March 2017
It is so reassuring to see your regular email arrive and know that you are ‘on the case’ of new research and continually adjusting and updating your regimen and knowledge base. I recommend your site to lots of cancer sufferers apart for Lymphoma people – just to get such a good overview of epigenetics and inflammation and lifestyle guidance. It would be good for everyone…Harrison, Australia
Thank you for your open heart, uplifting spirit, and inquiring mind and for being here for all of us on our journey of healing…Suzette, California
Many thanks for your words of encouragement – you’ve shone a ray of light into a dark corner of our lives…Martin, Scotland
It’s been 17 years out for me since being diagnosed and I must say that your newsletters have played a significant role in helping achieve my goal of beating this disorder…Becca
Thank you so much for your very informative and quick response. Once again your purpose to help others learn about all aspects of this disease is so helpful and admirable on your part…Terri, Texas
My husband is a family physician, I’m an RN and we love your site. Thanks for all the work you’ve done…Lisa
February 2017
Another trouble-free year has passed. I walk two miles every morning and two miles every evening. I take a vitamin D and cod liver oil supplement and raise most of my own food – veggies, chicken, meat and eggs. No processed food. I use an infrared sauna three times a week to improve my circulation. I’m starting year 11 since diagnosis…had three rounds of chemo before starting to use your website…Edward, Idaho.
Last year we moved to a small farm near Canberra where I grow our own organic fruit and veggies, we have stunning fresh eggs from our four hens and my three llamas keep me calm and serene (most of the time!). I love meeting people at the farmers market in Canberra and am hoping to develop our farm and share some permaculture principles with others. I’ve been enjoying learning all about it. I still work in Sydney every few weeks which I adore. I am so lucky to be able to have a work life balance that allows me to be happy and stay healthy. I’m living my dream. I’ve recently being listening to Tara Brach’s talks online. I find her wisdom about self-compassion so helpful…Alison, Australia
I’m looking forward to another year of your incredibly supportive newsletters which provide such a sense of security through your informative up-to-date research and self-help strategies. We are so lucky to have you…Jean, Tasmania
Thank you for sharing all your great info…Jean, Colorado
Thanks for such a great site. My wife and I find it very useful and it is
a great way to keep up with what is happening…Tom
WOW, 28+ years – what an accomplishment! You truly are an inspiration to the rest of us. Thank you also for your wonderful newsletters and articles. They have informed and helped me tremendously. Please never stop them…Mary Jon, Ontario.
January 2017
Thanks for the wonderful compilation of information! You’ve really done a nice job, and organized things in a thoughtful manner…Carrie, Oklahoma
Thanks Robert…for your continuing outstanding work in providing us much-needed information in an understandable form. I am indeed doing well, with much credit I believe to practicing the ‘pillars’ – so well in fact that my oncologist has put me on an annual check-in basis rather than the 6 month turnaround…Jack, Alberta
Thanks, Robert for everything. (My husband) will be 9 years without treatment in Feb 2017, so far, so good. Much thanks to your site which guided us in our first days, and still today…Ann, Georgia
Still on long-term survival (11 years since diagnosis and counting), thanks to your continuing support with your website. Diane, Ontario
I thank you for all you do to inform us with the most up-to-date information. After 6 years with you, I am as strong as ever. I follow the Four Pillars and feel great. I have avoided any chemo or radiation. I have staved off the transformation stage for now. My health is my number one priority! All my best…Paul
Thank you for the newsletters and all the excellent information you provide. I have been following the 4 Pillars for a year or so and been in total remission for nearly two years now. Thanks again for the great work you do…Keith, London UK.
Thank you for your good wishes. I wish to thank you for all your help and support during 2016. I always find the Newsletters very interesting and informative. Over the years they have always given me hope and supported me in my fight against Lymphoma…Ann, UK
I’m still staying on your guide for avoiding treatment – could not be more grateful for all you do to keep so many of us alive to enjoy life…Carolyn, Ohio.
You have been a lifesaver for me over the 12 or so years that I have been a member…Sheila, British Columbia
With gratitude for your ongoing work and support…Angela, Ontario
I’m now 9 years past diagnosis with no treatment and doing great!…Michael
THANK YOU for all you continue to do to support those of us who have the great fortune of surviving and thriving. Your service continues to be instrumental to my sense of wellbeing. I am filled with gratitude. Your work matters to so many…Jo, Massachusetts
What a simple decision! Should I support a group who is working every day to find ways to improve my health and longevity or not? It is such an easy decision when the group and leader does such an exceptional job. My sincere thanks to you and your team…Bob, Massachusetts
December 2016
I am a 14 year survivor after being given a mere 7 years to live. I live my life in much the same way you do. I find a great deal of inspiration in your story. Your selfless dedication to the Lymphoma Survival newsletter speaks volumes to your character as a human…Ron, Texas
I am so excited about this (the Facebook posting re “Our NORMAL Cells Rule”). I always have to read a few times to absorb everything but it all makes so much sense! And thank you again for your wonderful website – it’s what I look forward to reading every day. To be informed is key to survival!..Joani, Massachusetts
We can’t thank you enough for your support and wisdom. Always are 1st source of info and inspiration in dealing with the roller coaster ride of my husband’s lymphoma…Alex
I count already 9 challenging years behind me with a lot of support from your activities…Amiram
I am fortunate to be in full remission and enjoying a healthy and happy life. I look forward to the informative newsletters and try my best to put your recommendations into practice. You are doing a commendable job and I am sure I join a band of supporters who appreciate your dedication and work…Jodi, England
You’ve helped me immeasurably in the last 8 years since diagnosed and I just wanted to say thank you for that. You inspire me every month and then some. Again, *thank you*…Mark
My friends know who I’m talking about when I quote “my friend Robert!” I would be lost if I didn’t have all of your information to guide me. My nodes have shrunk in the 3 years since I was diagnosed due to following much of your program. I cannot thank you enough…Mary
Thank you very, very much for all of your wisdom and insight to my many e-mails with questions over the past several weeks. I will be re-reading all of your newsletters and articles to ensure nothing is overlooked. Thank YOU for doing this for fNHL…Kathleen, New York
The tremendous amount of work that you put into the website and publications is truly exceptional. The useful, relevant and up-to-date information you provide is appreciated even though you may not always hear it from members like me. Over the last 6 years (it has been 6 years already!), I always turn to the research and guidance you provide when I have a question or issue…Rod, Nunavut
Thanks for another year of timely publishing, keeping us both (and many others!) healthy for hopefully many years to come! …Ben. New Jersey
With gratitude for another healthy year thanks to you pointing me in the right direction two years ago. Continued good health to you and all of us for 2017! …Gerdette, Ireland
Many thanks again for this very empowering site. I am seeing success with steady natural regression. The fear has been replaced by truly joyful times and the 4 pillars are a way of life now…Bob, Connecticut
November 2016
Thank you for your email. The newsletter I receive every month during the last 3 years makes me feel you are a close friend. The support you are providing for me and others trying to survive this illness is indeed formidable. It’s a long and lonely journey to fight lymphoma. Your Four Pillar strategy is most effective and sensible to layman like us. Words cannot show my appreciation enough for your wonderful work…Wilson
Thank you so much for your informative newsletters. I read them immediately once they are posted…Christine, Nova Scotia
Thank you for your website, newsletter and sharing your research. So valuable!…Kathy
Now a five year survivor thanks mainly to your site…Linda
You provide such dedicated, comprehensive support for Lymphoma Survivors…Gray
I regret not being financially able to send money for your excellent newsletter renewal as it has been such a comfort to me during 10 years of my lymphoma journey. I have learned and practiced so much of the natural alternatives and am sure they are helping me. I look forward each month to receiving it and all the latest news on cancer and I am going to miss this information.
I am praying for you and your staff as you continue your work that is giving so much comfort and hope to so many. My sincere thanks to you and your staff…Virginia
Hi Virginia: Thanks for your very nice note. My staff and I really appreciate your comments. We are very pleased to extend your membership free for another year. We trust you are doing well. Take Care and all the Best, Robert
October 2016
Thank you for your web site. I find it very helpful and thoroughly researched. I was diagnosed grade 3a in 2011 with widely disseminated disease with nodes in my neck, chest, abdomen and groin. I elected for no treatment and followed many of your recommendations. At the present time not only has there been no progression but actually regression. I want you to know how much I appreciate your information. I am a physician and reading your site has given me the most information that I have found anywhere…Frank
Thank you again Robert for your informative website. I continue to remain in remission (almost 6 years now). Blessings to you! …DeAnne
You’ve been of great encouragement and help with J’s diagnosis in 2013…Angelina, North Carolina
Lymphoma Survival has given me GREAT advice and HOPE…Anne
Thanks for all you do for all of us…Wayne, Pennsylvania
Thank you so much for all the work you do in helping us who have fNHL, I was diagnosed with fNHL on 2004 and the newsletter has been such a blessing in my life…Robert, Michigan.
September 2016
I can’t thank you enough for all of your help, not just for me but for all of the people that you have helped throughout the years. What you do is more than a service. It provides hope and direction for people that have been given what can be the worse news of their life…Joe, Michigan
Your cancer research on natural prevention overlaps what I am reading, but your newsletter is the only place that puts everything together…Richard
I have recently sent two follicular lymphoma friends to your website. I enjoy your newsletter and my oncologist at Markey Cancer center is “impressed” with my layman’s knowledge of this disease. Thank you! …Jane, Kentucky
I just wanted to thank you again for speaking with me last Friday. You helped me to really understand the important details of the 4 pillars program and why. In addition you helped me be able to accept the treatment that I will be starting next month. And most of all you eased my anxiety and gave me hope for the next chapter and thriving with this nasty distraction called lymphoma…Tina, Nevada
Thanks for all your efforts which are very much appreciated by me here in Mexico and I am sure by many around the world…Henry
The information you share is priceless!..Jay
I feel I owe you and this incredible site more than money can possibly acknowledge. I have been ‘FL’ free for 8 yrs now but still look forward to updates each month as much as I ever did…Nanette
August 2016
Keep doing this amazing work that seems to be the only valuable information available that gives a plan and some hope to live with FL. I value more the info I get from you than any other. Thumbs up!…Pascal, Quebec
I really appreciate the information that you provide on follicular lymphoma. I was diagnosed in 2009 and have never understood the disease. This site is so much help to me and I am feeling better than I have in 7 years. Again thanks to the team that provides this marvelous information…Carrie
5 years after diagnosis needing no treatment with positive attitude thanks to your encouraging site, my daughter just completed her 1st half-marathon! Very proud of her! ..Dawn, Australia
Thanks for your continued leadership…Jim, Japan
Thank you for helping with your fantastic website…Sharon, UK
I send our gratitude! Because of this website’s clear and well-researched information, my sister had the courage to reject the advice of a nationally recognized lymphoma expert in 2006. She followed up with several doctors in the Tulsa area and found one who advised her according to your information. All her tests are now clear!…Marsha, Oklahoma
I am glad my little contribution helps. I hope to be able to contribute for many more years so that someone somewhere who has just been diagnosed will benefit. Thank you. Seng Geah, Malaysia
We so appreciate all the work you have done to give lymphoma survivors so many tools with which to actively address their condition…Tim, California
July 2016
Thank you and your dedicated group for doing all you do. It is a unique service that is truly needed. I wouldn’t have believed it until my diagnosis because I just couldn’t appreciate the emotions and needs generated by it. Your organization fills those needs and soothes those emotions…John, Pennsylvania.
Yup! Doing great. Over 2 years now and no treatments needed. No symptoms. Bloodwork great. Got another sprint triathalon planned for next month…Julie
Thanks so much for all you do. It gives us hope and the education we need…Tom, Pennsylvania
I continue to be indebted to you for your supportive and informative newsletters, resources and updates. With sincere gratitude and appreciation…Peter, New York
I am a physician (MD) recently diagnosed with follicular lymphoma grade 2 stage IV and just finished my second R-Bendamustine treatment. I am following the recommendation of my oncologist as well as reading and following your writings and recommendations. Your 28 years of competent work researching the topic and treatments and integrating the information is apparent. To me your information not only seems credible, it also shows the tremendous work and time you have put into it not only to find the best and most credible information for yourself, but also tremendous work sharing it with others. The purpose of this email is only to thank you for all you have done and let you know that it has helped me…Dave
June 2016
I am so grateful that I found you and take your advice offered in each monthly newsletter. Yes, I’m doing very well. I just got the results of my annual scan (I convinced them to do an MRI instead of a CT scan due to the radiation risk over time), and the only place I have enlarged nodes is in the abdomen, and they haven’t grown and are very small. So I’ve gone two years now since my diagnosis, and I haven’t needed treatment, and everything has shrunk since the first scan. I believe it’s all due to following the Four Pillar philosophy. I really believe that I was sleep deprived, which brought it on in the first place. I decided to retire and now get exercise and sun every day, along with good sleep. Thank you again!!..Jeanne
I’ve been away for a few years, generally ignoring my lymphoma and following the basic nutrition, sleep, and vit-D recommendations (while trying to squeeze in 3-4 workouts per week. It’s worked fairly well – no nodes visible and my doc sees me as a break in his day every 6 months. Thanks to you for that! I’m still healthy, just wanted to reconnect and see what’s up with treatments…Attilio, Ontario.
I really appreciate your continued efforts in putting out great information on behalf of our battles! Now seven years in remission and doing better than ever…Phil, Bermuda
Thank you for another wonderful newsletter. I don’t know how you do it. I assure you that I eagerly look forward to reading it every month. YOU KEEP US ALL ALIVE…Elke, Maryland
Thanks for a great website…Barbara, Oklahoma
We always are ready to renew our Lymphoma Survival membership to continue receiving the outstanding and well-researched newsletter you so generously provide to help all of us survivors keep abreast of the latest information…L&T, Texas
Another June and another year of healthy membership! I continue to be grateful beyond words for your diligent research, brilliant insights, and caring support. Hope to see you again soon! …Carol
May 2016
There is so much I have learned from your site, it is immeasurable. I even printed stuff off on the FLIPI m7 newsletter item and gave it to my oncologist in Seattle (where I got a 2nd opinion) and he hadn’t even heard of it. He got real excited reading it. You are helping a lot of people…Lou, Idaho
I am 10 years treatment free since diagnosis with no apparent progression of the lymphoma. I always appreciate your updated research…Judy, Alberta
Thank you again Robert for another year of outstanding contributions to my life, living successfully with NHL. You are a hero…Mark
Once again thank you for all your efforts in providing such great information…Alan, Ontario.
Thank you Robert for your continual insight and options…Mike, Illinois
You are doing a fantastic job—keep up the great work!..Joe, M.D., Minnesota
Thanks, as always, to you and your team for keeping us focused and informed…Scott, California
I am so grateful for all the work you do. You are a blessing!..Diana, Wisconsin
What a thoughtful and nuanced assessment of Gazyva. A great read…Kosty
I want to thank you for the wealth of information you have provided for people with lymphoma. In addition to the very useful information, I find it has been a source of inspiration…Victoria, New York.
April 2016
Keep up the good research and advice. I’ve been following your sensible advice since for the last 10 + years and feel it is the main reason for not relapsing. Thanks and keep the presses rolling…Tom, California
Thank you for the wonderful information. I was diagnosed in 2008. I’m in excellent health, maintaining an active lifestyle skiing, hiking, bike riding gardening and enjoying life…Rebecca, Louisiana
Your newsletter gave me hope when I was at my lowest. I follow all the information you provide religiously. I am doing great and plan on being around for a very long time. Keep up the great work …Anthony
Thanks Robert for this EXCELLENT resource. Mom has been in remission for 5 years and feels great! …Celine
Your newsletter has been invaluable in helping me navigate through the overwhelming amount of information and misinformation that exists for lymphoma patients. I am so grateful…RR
You have been a life saver for so many of us…Sheila, Florida.
Thank you so much for all you do. You give me hope…Marilyn, California
Thank you so much for your work and this website. It’s really helpful and gave me a lot of hope and motivation to pursue my battle. You are a great person…Gina, New Brunswick.
Thank you so much for your continued time and effort in producing the monthly newsletter, in fact the whole website. I look forward to the arrival of the letter and the information it gives me. You and your team are an inspiration to the members. Thank you…Sheila, UK
Thanks so much for all the work that you do every month. You have made such a difference in my life…Ralph
March 2016
Thank you for dedicating so much to all of us with FL. Just wanted to let you know I appreciate the feeling that you are in my corner, and the fact that you really know our struggle. Thank you for being out ahead, like the Sherpas of Nepal, setting the lines and forging a safe route, with hard work and experience to make the journey a success. Hope you like the analogy, thanks again…Peter, Massachusetts
Just a note to say how helpful this site has been since my diagnosis. I had so much contradicting information until I discovered your site and found it made so much sense based on science, health and my faith…Andrea, Michigan
Thank you to all the team; keeping up with all of the newest research and findings is more of a challenge than ever…Elizabeth, Ireland
Thank you for making your Lymphoma Survival website available. I find it so encouraging especially when I feel as if I’m not doing enough to fight it or that I’m not making much progress. It is 2 years + since I was diagnosed and I have kept well during this period – due I am sure to your research…Elaine, New Zealand
I can never say thank you enough. I received a free membership initially and so greatly appreciated it. I just want to “pay it forward” so someone else who might not be able to afford it can have access to this wealth of information. I am in great health 8 years after diagnosis and still doing “dynamic observation”…Janet
I just want to thank you for the all the work you have done to put together this amazing set of resources. I have learned a huge amount already. I am implementing the 4P-GRS Strategy. I was diagnosed with fNHL just over 2 years ago. I am very fit and healthy. I feel so much happier in myself now that I am in control of my own destiny rather than relying in the medical and pharma world. Best wishes and keep up the great work…Keith, England
February 2016
Bless you for starting the site. It has saved me from unnecessary treatment and also keeps me on my toes. I do the suggested exercise routine. My doctor tells me that I am doing more for my lymphoma than anything he or my oncologist can do. I follow the other “Four Pillars”. I was diagnosed in 2003. The last four years have been quiet. I credit a large part of that to the info on your site! So thank you and the many working with you…Karen, Arizona
Your monthly newsletters help to keep me up to date with current treatment and survival options and give me hope for the future. Thank you…Ally, Australia
Thanks you for this amazing site, Robert. I found it the same day I was diagnosed. I recall I was so terrified and hurried that I felt unable to set up something as simple as (my) account. Thank you again. I thought everything was lost…Santi, Scotland.
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond with such helpful information. It means a lot to me and I am grateful…Judy
Thank you for your encouragement in your newsletters. When I found your website it made a big difference in my life…Teresita, New York
Thank you so much for your hard work and willingness to help coach others with your knowledge. Shauna…British Columbia
Your website has been a life saver and have shared it with many friends (unfortunately) who are hit by lymphoma. Take care and keep up the inspiring work…Alex
I’m 6 months out from R-GDP and doing great (NED, feeling fantastic) and YOU and your amazing work have had a great deal to do with that. Thank you for everything…Richard, California
You’re more than worth it at twice the price. I often wonder what keeps you at it, given your good health. I’m feeling a little detached from the discussion board as my run of great health continues. Thank you Robert for keeping us on the road to health and happiness, one day at a time. Currently making Valentine’s Dinner for my wonderful husband and our son and his girlfriend. Lovely company after an afternoon of snow shoeing with them. Just a perfect day…Lucy
What a great note Lucy…thanks. And great to hear you’re doing so well, having fun, enjoying life…just the way it should be.
Yeah, as the years go by I do have thoughts about continuing. But I’m fortunate to have a dedicated, competent support team; Judith, to help with the research, editing of our material and administrative work…a BIG job, and Jill to moderate the discussion board…who also does excellent research work. And Svet dedicates her time and talents to take photos for the monthly newsletters.
Equally significant, however, are the regular notes from members like you doing well, often doing far better than would otherwise be expected.
This latest research into epigenetics has changed the whole picture re fNHL management (other cancers too). Nobody else has a program like ours that helps guide survivors with scientifically-based things they can adopt to help themselves.
So that’s what makes it all come together and I’m happy to do it.
Again, thanks Lucy and great to hear you’re doing well.
~ Robert
January 2016
In December 2005, Denis stated:
“Nowhere else have I found so much pertinent data, information and ideas to
develop my own research on our illness, with the opportunity to discuss and
exchange experiences in a friendly way with someone facing the same
problem”…Denis, France.
Now, 11 years later, Denis is a 23 year survivor of follicular lymphoma. In January 2016 he follows up on his comment from 2005, stating that:
“I’m proud to be an active member due to the high level of expertise of the newsletters and the website. I’m still feeling well, with no treatment since Nov. 2006. My oncologist doesn’t want to see me before 2017!”
Keep up the excellent work! You saved my health! Thank you…Chris
Your insights have contributed greatly to keep my condition being stable for the last (several) years…Nissan
Many thanks for your sincere and kind wishes. It is through my daughter who works as a nurse that I discovered your wonderful site which is packed full of useful and helpful information. I was diagnosed with stage 4 indolent follicular lymphoma (over two years ago) and at the time it felt like my world had fallen apart, but reading and learning from you have given me a hope to carry on…Michael
Thanks for continuing to provide trustworthy and independent information for nhl patients and survivors – and building such a worthwhile community…Inigo, Australia
Thank you for all of the valuable information that I read each and every month!…Carmen, Missouri
Thank YOU, Robert, for all the good information and encouragement that you give all year long. You have been my linchpin since my lymphoma journey began 2 1/2 years ago. Your dedication to the cause and sharing of info with a personal, easily-understood manner means so much to folks like me…Dianne, Georgia
Your articles and newsletters always give me a boost of hope and positive thoughts. I am a 17 year survivor and still thriving…Elaine, British Columbia
Four Pillars in full force…in less than a year took a node from the size of a golf ball (didn’t get diagnosed until July) and in mid-December I could no longer find it. Best Christmas present I could ask for…Ryley
December 2015
I wish to thank you for the wonderful effort you put in to help follicular Lymphoma sufferers. Your web site is absolutely invaluable to me. It gives me focus, assurance and hope. I live more healthily and energetically now, primarily because I follow the 4 Pillars strategy. I am the healthiest and fittest I have ever been… Whether I am eventually a long term survivor or not, the support I get from your site is priceless. I love your balanced approach – using natural methods based on research and working hand in hand with the benefits of the medical profession when needed. My appreciation is boundless – so thanks… Mike, Australia.
We truly appreciate all your hard work and efforts to keep the Lymphoma community up to date. I am happy to say that I remain lymphoma free 8 years after treatment…Louise
I just cannot imagine what having FL would be like without you and your passion, Jill and her dedication and the overall Lymphoma Survival program. I have never considered this fight as fight between me and FL. It always has seemed that since day one when I signed up that there was an army of fighters along side of me. Do I know any of them personally… No… But somehow I feel stronger knowing they are fighting their battles with me, that you and your team really do care, and that long term survival means lifestyle change. Your passion, dedication and knowledge empower me and give me strength. So THANK YOU…. To you and your team!!!…Bud
I believe this is my 10th year as a member of your website. It has certainly come in handy over these years. I hope to be a member for another 10 years and beyond. Keep up the good work!…Diane, Ontario
Thanks very much for your personal response and support. I look forward to reading the upcoming newsletter. It is comforting knowing there are people like you out there putting forth such a selfless effort to help the rest of us. Please accept my sincere thanks and appreciation…Stephen
I’m doing very well. Your website enabled me to identify my sleep deprivation as a potential cause of my lymphoma, and now I’m committed to the 4 Pillar approach. My cat scans show no progression, and I’m optimistic that over time it may be gone – although I read somewhere that it’s not realistic for at least 5 years. Thank you for the great information – you probably saved my life!..Jeanne
My sincere thanks for your wonderful work which has kept me, and I am sure many many others going, facing whatever came my way with determination and optimism…Fabia
Thank you for another year of providing this fabulous lymphoma information. It’s year number 7 since diagnosis for me and I can’t believe how quickly the time passes by when one feels so well…Margaret, Alberta
November 2015
It must be gratifying for you to see that you were right about so many conclusions that you reached from the research, long before they were accepted by the larger scientific and medical community. It would be difficult to overstate how beneficial your hard work has been for me…Kendall
Your up-to-date information and insight into the rapid changes into the science of lymphoma are a lifeline to us all. I have celebrated my 8th anniversary since my diagnosis with no treatment of any kind and am feeling fine…Cheryl
Thank you Robert! You have been so helpful. I have been on watch and wait since November 2004. No treatments!!!!!! I follow many of your 4 pillars. Thank you for all the research you do and share with all of us!!!!…Krystyna, Ontario
Thank you for all of the careful and thoughtful research over the years. It has been exceptionally valuable to me and my health…Beth
I was diagnosed with fNHL a few weeks ago. My doctor has suggested “watch and wait”.
I like “dynamic observation” and have been reading through a lot of what you have written. What strikes me is how practical, clear and supported the information is – I can apply it NOW – even before I understand all the mechanisms behind it. Thanks for helping others make their way through this. I am happy to help support other people who may not be able to subscribe…Diana, Washington
Just want to say thanks for the work you are doing. I’ve been doing this dance with lymphoma for 14 years now. What you’ve put together has given me the feeling that, finally, I am now leading that dance…Bob
October 2015
My wife`s scan report states that 2 of her 3 affected lymph nodes had decreased by about 50% post treatment. But there was NO TREATMENT! She was following your Four Pillar strategies. The hematologist said she had never seen this in her 17 years of practice…Bill, Alberta
Thank you Robert for everything you do!!! Every year when I happily renew my membership, I tear up and remember how lost I was nine years ago after being diagnosed and before I found your website. I really credit you for helping me stay alive – you gave me the knowledge and the tools I needed. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart – Here’s to another amazing year of happiness and HEALTH…Brooke
Your dedication to this cause, and the many people who rely on your guidance, is something to behold! I’m sure you’re why I have been in remission for over eight years :)…Lucy
Thanks for continuing to send me your excellent newsletter these past years as it has been such a comfort and help to me. I sincerely appreciate you and your excellent staff for the effort and time put in to gather all the information for helping your members each month…Virginia, Texas
Thank you Robert for everything you and this site have done for me. It continues to be my life line after seven years. I have yet to need treatment and I credit it all to you! Thank you again…Linda
Thank you and your staff for providing us with a wealth of information on lymphoma and diseases in general. I was diagnosed in 2008 and have not had any (conventional) treatment…Wayne, Pennsylvania
It’s been a long time since I have showed any signs of having lymphoma. Everything changed 100% for the better within 2 months of me finding your website back in 2007…Judith
September 2015
To use the term when reading a book, “I haven’t been able to put it down”! Your website is incredibly awesome, there is so much valuable information that it would probably take me months to read it all, and still I would go back over and over again to refresh the material…James
I am currently showing no signs of this disease and hoping to stay this way for many years to come…Sheila, New Hampshire
Once again, thank you for giving us free access to your website for the first year. But I feel that the information that you have provided for us is so extremely valuable, that at this time I need to keep the promise I made earlier, so I am enclosing our registration fee. Thanks again for your generosity and support…James, Florida
The information in your newsletter has made a big difference in my wife’s health! David
I so appreciate the access you give us (email and phone consultation) to your knowledge and experience! You say that it’s important for patients to assemble their A-Team for their “journey”, and I just want you to know that I consider you to be a most knowledgeable and the most objective member on mine!…Dave, Florida
Our oncologist is amazed at how clear and up-to-date you are…Angelina, North Carolina
August 2015
Thank you so much for this support site you have developed and maintain. I cannot express how helpful it has been for me. You have given me hope and guidance and far more information than I receive from my doctors. The amount of work you do to stay on top of this is tremendous. I am so grateful for this resource…Peter, New York
Thank you Robert for all your hard work and keeping us all positive. I am still following the four pillar health processes (mostly) and it has been 3.5 years now and still no medical intervention and my lumps have reduced in size some disappearing altogether…Gaye
I just wanted to thank you for all the great work you do. The information from the newsletters has been very important for my health…five year survival in July…Debbie, Florida
Thank you Robert for everything you and this site have done for me. It continues to be my life line after seven years. I have yet to need treatment and I credit it all to you! Thank you again…Linda
Thank you for all your hard work and information about lymphoma. I am doing well 10 years (after diagnosis)…Pam, Illinois
I am Amalia from Greece and I was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma in July. I was desperate in finding a long time survivor, till I found your site and cried from happiness. I would like to be a member. I am out of job for some years, things are very difficult here. I would appreciate if you could include me in your company. (You bet we can Amalia, happy to help and all the Best)
July 2015
Thank you for the most comprehensive NHFL information site available. You and your staff’s continued updating of research combined with suggestions for thriving continue to amaze me…Craig, Nebraska
Thank you for sharing and doing all the work you do. I find your site extremely informative and useful….Peter, New Jersey
I am 8 years in remission and feeling fine. Thank you so much for the wonderful work you do, it is greatly appreciated!…Sylvia
10 years this summer for me (all’s well)! …Mary Jean, Ohio
Continued thanks. You are providing such a valuable service. I am so grateful…August marks 8 years…Craig, Oregon
Thank you so much for all you do for our group’s shared experiences. Your steady, reliable information and assurance uplifts beyond words…Suzanne, Georgia
Such fascinating information. I am so so grateful to have it. It was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you….Julie
June 2015
I am happy to support the mission. It is a great web site for content and the quality of thought and writing. I couldn’t be happier that you are now cancer free but I hope this won’t dampen your enthusiasm for continuing your work. You have the rare ability to take complicated medical jargon and make it understandable to non-MDs. You would be very, very difficult to replace…John, Pennsylvania
Your information is invaluable. Thank you…Jacquelene
Thank you for your faithful searching for research and writing in easy-to-comprehend language. Your commitment to serve and help others is commendable…Marsha, Tennessee
Your positive approach continues to encourage my daughter who still enjoys spontaneous regression 5 years after diagnosis!…Kim
Thanks for another year of valuable lifesaving information..Letishia
Shortly after (spread of lymphoma) I discovered your web site and have been a regular member since and I thoroughly enjoy the quality of the articles and newsletter…Joe, MD, Minnesota
May 2015
I am so pleased to have enjoyed another year of good health. Lymphoma Survival remains my touchstone for information and self-care. As time goes by, so much of what you shared “ahead of the curve” in the past is becoming mainstream, accepted understanding. I am grateful for your good and meaningful work, and for the community you have created with this service. Many thanks…David, Massachusetts
I am doing great. I always look forward to my monthly updates. I truly appreciate the sense of calm I gain from reading your site…Julie
Thank you so much to you and your group for running the lymphoma survival website. I honestly don’t know how I would handle this news without it. Each month I look forward to the newsletter. I also appreciate that you make yourself available for phone consultations. It is good to hear your balanced insight…Terry
(My husbands) health is all thanks to your hard work!!…Kristina
LymphomaSurvival has been invaluable to my health and peace of mind; my sincerest gratitude for your work/information…David
I’m doing very well without treatment, 5 years since diagnosis grade 2, stage 3, age now 84. Thanks for info on your website…Richard
I am in year 9 with no treatment and no visible nodal growth…appreciate your research and information…Joan, Alberta
Oh my, I am in my 11th year since I was diagnosed in 2004, with no treatment, even though I was diagnosed with grade 3. I’m still over the moon about still being here on this earth!! In the early days, the future looked bleak, but it hasn’t been, and part of that is due to your work and my learning from your journey and the journey of many others with Follicular Lymphoma in this group. Thank youwith all my heart for your work…Beth
Thanks for all your work and time. I’m going on 12 yrs. of no treatment and no symptoms since diagnosis. I feel great! …Joan
April 2015
I am a full time ER (emergency room) doc. Still no chemo! I want to tell you how impressed I am with the quality of the info you are publishing in the newsletters. And your personal story is an inspiration to all of us…Joe
This service is most helpful and informative and should be available to as many as possible. I am well with no sign of a recurrence so far after 7 years. I just got back from 4 weeks in the Palm Springs area so I am fit and ready to face the summer…Alan
Thank you for all the wonderful work you do, so helpful and you are so encouraging!…Carolyn, Wales
We continue to greatly value you and your team’s diligence in distilling the most up-to-date research for our consideration and incorporation into a balanced lifestyle. Elizabeth…Ireland
Thank you for It is a lifeline. Clear, helpful, focused, both deep and broad. It has made a tremendous difference to me in my medical journey…Liz, Illinois
You do an AMAZING job of support for all of us…Mark
Thanks so much for all you do for us NHL people. I devour your articles and your info has been so valuable. Diagnosed at 70, I am on the 20+ year plan. Many thanks…Mary, Tennessee
March 2015
Nothing I could do could match your amazing commitment to this cause. It will be eight years this May since my diagnosis and I have been well all of that time. I continue to enjoy a very active life. Truthfully I would not be as healthy or as happy without this diagnosis. It was mentally tough in the beginning but I have put into practice so much that I wouldn’t even have known about without your guidance (and your wonderful team)… My friends and family are also the beneficiaries of healthy lifestyle suggestions…Lucy, Ontario.
I would like to express my thanks and appreciation for all you do for us members. Living with such a diagnosis would have been extremely difficult without your support and information you provide on this website. I feel grateful for discovering Lymphoma Survival and I wish you continual health and happiness. Warm Regards, Antonia, Florida.
My sister has subscribed to your site for me for years and after receipt of so much benefit from the detailed information – and the sense of control and hope that it imparts, I have decided to sign up. Many many thanks for such terrific and positive information…Nicky
I find the newsletter to be so helpful and informative. Thank you for all your work and research…Jane, Michigan
I am studying your info each day and definitely following the Four Pillars. My son who is a geriatric doctor came for a visit last week. He was very impressed with your site. Thanks a bunch for being there for all of us when we need you…Carolyn, Ohio. PS: Love the beautiful pictures that accompany newsletters.
(From my last CT scan) I am starting to see some results thanks to your help (26% shrinkage). You have been the only positive and informational resource that I had in all this time and I want to thank you again. Is it the 4 Pillars strategy results that I am beginning to see? I have applied all of them with rigor and I hope that this is what I am reaping after sowing….Pascal, Quebec
February 2015
I should be thanking you for all your guidance and support over the course of the last few years. You infused hope when I was presented with a very hopeless prognosis. I was 42 at the time and was told to go home and prepare. We now joke that we vehemently believe that the oncologist meant dinner. I was diagnosed at stage IV and my case went before a board. They were split (regarding what I should do). Well, almost four years later, I remain in remission. My last scan proved that all the tumours have regressed significantly. I remain a mystery to my oncology team and I LOVE IT! So with this, I send my heartfelt thanks…Lili
I know how much I appreciated stumbling upon your website not long after I was diagnosed with NHFL, and finding other folks who were in my boat seeking answers, comfort, hope, current research, and someone willing to help. You provided that, and continue to push forward in life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart…Todd
Your work and commitment to the health of others is an inspiration to me. I cannot thank you enough for what your research and recommendations have meant to my health…Jen
Thank YOU Robert for your amazing body of research and anecdotal information. Truly a bright light in the tunnel for so many of us on this journey!…Jim
Thank you for all your continued efforts to keep us on top of what’s new. It is so helpful on keeping everyone on track for a better outcome…Brenda, British Columbia
Just wanted to let you know how grateful my family is to have found your site. My adult son was just diagnosed and the site has been invaluable. From facts to encouragement, including your own inspiring story, we feel blessed to have found this site. My son feels positive about the future, and has a plan of action, resources, and fellow travelers on this new path. Thank from the bottom of my heart…Julia
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for providing this amazing website and your wonderful articles and newsletters. They’ve given me so much hope, something my oncologist hesitated to do. I am 78 have had FNHL thruout my body [by PET scan and a nodule biopsy] which was treated initially with Rituxan alone with no effect other than nausea, depression and weakness; then with Bendamustine and Rituxan for 4 months which was discontinued when I developed pneumonia…Two months later with no treatment, my CT and blood work showed no evidence of the disease!…Dani
January 2015
(My partner) and I are thrilled with his most recent checkup and thought we would share the great news. Our checkup 6 months ago showed a 50% reduction in the node in his groin while all other nodes had resolved. Now, fast forward another 6 months and the node has completely resolved. Our oncologist was thrilled with his blood work and couldn’t believe the node had further receded back to normal size. He will be seen in another 6 months for follow up and is feeling fabulous. As mentioned he is very diligent with following the Four Pillar approach and is committed to the lifestyle changes.
We want to thank you so much for all of your hard work and hope you know the impact your site has on people’s lives, especially when a young family like ourselves were faced with such an obstacle.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!…Tina
We really appreciate all that you do for people like me. I’m a 10 year survivor, 62 years old, with only one serious bout with this quiet devil inside my body. Thanks so much for what you do. Keep up the good work…Jim
Thanks for all your hard work, time and dedication…Rob, Ontario
Thank you for your guidance and information. It means sooo much to me. You are inspiring and you give me hope. Marilyn, California.
Your site and the many articles have helped me keep my mind in the game and hopefully on track. I think your site is great and recommend it whenever I talk with others…Ralph.
Your unwavering long-term commitment to providing us with the best information is what makes it all come together…Randa
I am so glad the website remains independent – which I think is of utmost importance. You have given so much to me and to us all, with your diligent research, analyses, and spirited encouragement. Your work is just brilliant and is simply priceless – and I thank you for all that you are doing, Robert. I am still amazed that I had the good fortune to discover you with your Lymphoma site…Naomi, British Columbia.
Words cannot properly describe all the benefits Cheryl and I receive from your newsletters and email accessibility. Being diagnosed over 9 years ago and completing one chemo regimen I can truly say I have never felt better. M and C…New York