Pathway to Cure



Pathway  to  cure  is  a  personal  journey  over  more  than  three  decades  with  follicular  lymphoma,  including  adoption  of  lifestyle  strategies  leading  to  gene  remediation.


A Pathway to Cure – we never thought it possible

Seems  like  once  things  fall  into  place … follicular  lymphoma  is  reduced … perhaps  with  the  help  of  conventional  medicines, which  may  or  may  not  be  needed.  Then, scientifically-based  “wellness”  strategies  are  adopted.  Then,  the  newly  discovered  miracle  of  human  biology  begins  to  unfold … gene  switches  that  control follicular lymphoma  get  flipped  back  to  where  they  should  be … and  on  come  the  lights  of  life.  

Welcome  to  the  follicular lymphoma  thrive  zone.  We  never  thought  it  possible!

A long journey gathering experience

If you are a first time visitor to this site, you are probably wondering how it is possible to be out more than 34 years after diagnosis with an incurable cancer, now fully active and healthy, with no measurable lymphoma left.

What exactly did I do? Was I just lucky… a miracle case?

In the beginning I tried to learn as much as I could. During the late 1980s and 1990s I researched and applied the best natural anticancer strategies I could find. At the same time, I focused on fitness with a strong emphasis on physical activity.

The things I did in these first two decades after diagnosis probably helped, but they were not sufficiently effective such that I was able to avoid treatment.

Three sessions of treatment were required; the first in year two, the second in year 10 and the third in year 20. There were periods of clinical remission in between, but evidence of lymphoma was always present despite encouraging indications of natural regression (shrinkage of nodes) in several locations.

Starting around 2008, I took advantage of new (in essence “breakthrough”) genetic-based research verifying the linkage between specific lifestyle strategies and the expression of genes driving cancer (and certainly follicular lymphoma). I was then able to take the approach I had already been working on for over 20 years and refine it, now making it far more effective than ever before.

The outcome of this work (constantly updated) is our Four Pillar Epigenetics Program (4PEP) in Article #3.

Over the last 10 years it is now clear from expert examination and abdominal scanning that my lymphoma has disappeared. This outcome suggests a “clinical cure”; this being as close to a full “molecular cure” as is possible.

Once a person’s lymphoma status reaches this point and is sustained for several years (probably at least five), it is likely that the mutation status of the genes that led to getting lymphoma in the first place has been corrected. Ongoing application of the 4PEP program will ensure optimal expression of tumor suppressor genes and DNA repair genes. See the Follicular Lymphoma Flow Chart.

My personal history, year by year, can be reviewed in Article #12 on our website at

I always believed that if one or more nodes could go into natural, permanent regression, why couldn’t they all? Now I know they can. This is the “possible dream” that many survivors can now hold as their personal vision.

Based on regular feedback received from our members, many are experiencing natural regression.

Summing It Up 


NEW HOPE –Justified and Explained

Significant new insights into the nature of cancer have taken place, mainly over the last five years.

Follicular/indolent lymphoma can no longer be regarded as “incurable”.

Survivors, as never before, can now gain access to guidance describing practical things specific to indolent lymphoma that we can do ourselves to help hold this disorder in check, perhaps even reverse it.

The cure comes from within. New scientific developments identify the “what”. Our 4PEP program tells you how.

The trail head on the Pathway to Cure starts here.

Robert G. Miller

Reviewed January 2025  
