About Me

Robert G. Miller + Follicular Lymphoma Survivor

My name is Robert G. Miller. I was diagnosed in July 1988 with stage 4, nodular and diffuse Non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

This cell type corresponds to a composite grade 1 / grade 3 follicular lymphoma according to the classification system used today.

Over many years I have researched this disorder in terms of conventional treatment options and scientifically-based lifestyle strategies that together influence the course of follicular lymphoma, and hence long-term survival. 

As a result of this research and its personal application, I’m fortunate to be healthy and fully active, my lymphoma now overcome. I no longer require checkups related to lymphoma.

My desire is to share the research I have done with fellow survivors (and caregivers) having a similar diagnosis so that they too may benefit.

But make no mistake; I am no walking miracle; a survivor  just lucky to have “good genes”.

I received conventional treatment in years two, nine and ten, including treatment for transformation in years 10 and 20. (Last treatment finished in 2009).

Over the past 12 years it has been possible to turn the lymphoma around by taking advantage of new scientific data linking lifestyle and other factors to the expression of genes now known to drive follicular lymphoma.

(For clarification, this is not traditional alternative medicine. It’s a genetic-based advancement that has expanded rapidly, mainly over the last 10 years, with insight and knowledge coming mainly from biochemists and cancer researchers).

Follicular lymphoma is still officially regarded as an incurable disorder.

However, the outcome I have been able to achieve is as close to overcoming the “incurability” barrier as possible.

There is no one thing that leads to this outcome.

Success arises from application of our Four Pillar Epigenetics Program (4PEP) described on the Homepage and detailed in Article 3 on our site.

By way of background, I have a master’s degree in engineering, and was a college instructor for 10 years and a college dean for 16 years.

In addition to the active management of this website I now pursue a variety of hobbies, camping and wilderness hiking in various locations, including California in the winter season while residing on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.


Robert G. Miller
