Lymphoma Survival




The Follicular Lymphoma Working Cure Program

A Working Cure for Follicular Lymphoma
has now become a
In development for over 25 years, based on evident results achieved, follicular lymphoma survivors now have the tools they need to participate in a program that can lead to extended, healthy survival time.
Briefly expressed, as survivors ourselves, “you need to know this!”
If you’re wondering about the term “working cure”, please be sure to read the details below.
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Who We Are and What We Do


Content on this site has been developed by Robert G. Miller, a “retired” college dean and a follicular lymphoma survivor diagnosed over 36 years ago, currently in excellent health, no longer with evidence of lymphoma, confirmed by scan.


“I started the LymphomaSurvival website with commencement of the internet in 1999, and then proceeded to share evolving science-based research with fellow survivors.

Now in our 25th year, we have grown to be a global community site with members in more than 60 countries — the most prominent survivor-managed website in the world devoted to follicular lymphoma.

We are fully independent, entirely free of advertising, no hidden affiliations; supported 100% by our members.

We offer guidance covering the latest clinical treatments AND science-based lifestyle strategies.”


Personal Comment

“Diagnosis with indolent lymphoma is an event that will never be forgotten. It changes a person’s life forever. I understand how that feels.

I also know that ‘realistic hope’ prevails.

Despite a long journey with inevitable ups and downs, the desire to help others has never waned.”


What is the Working Cure Program?


The Working Cure Program is a two-step process consisting of

Eradication followed by Rejuvenation.


Note: Some people may want to review our coverage of specific topics. If so, please see the Topic Index page.

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Progress Based in Science


The Program is based on:

The National Cancer Institute’s declaration that cancer is a genetic disease.

Research data from the National Cancer Insitute showing that follicular lymphoma (FL) survival time is governed by the patient’s own immune T cells.


Applied to the Working Cure Program


Following the Eradication Phase to reduce the number of lymphoma cells, corrective genetic activity during the Rejuvenation Phase works more effectively in producing healthy immune T cells.  (Details in the September 2022 Newsletter “Winning the T cell Game”).

It is probably the case that ongoing production of immune T cells (contained in lymphocytes which are recorded in regular blood tests) is the VITAL factor governing success in overcoming all forms of indolent lymphoma.


It will be of interest to many that the Working Cure Program works outside the body in the same way that natural healing mechanisms work to combat cancer inside the body.

Recent member comments noting results they have achieved are summarized below.


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The Working Cure Program in Action


Member Comments 


The RESULTS that Really Count

Results verified with hundreds of survivors, gathered over more than 25 years, enables us to state that the Follicular Lymphoma Working Cure Program can give a person back their life.

“I am a medical oncologist at (prominent cancer center). I find your materials well researched and the whole program is cohesive and rational. I haven’t found any equivalent websites for patients. Thank you”…Paul

Since I found you 20 years ago, my lymph nodes have shrunk on their own. Bloodwork has always been ” boringly normal ” as my oncologist says. I hike, and basically eat “clean” and organic as much as possible. …Joan, Georgia

I am now 1 year out from my diagnosis. Over the year, the largest tumor in my abdomen shrunk from 4.0 cm to 2.7 cm without any “modern” treatment, just things in the 4PEP program…Veronica, Kentucky

My wife’s scan report states that 2 of her 3 affected lymph nodes had decreased by about 50% post treatment. But there was NO TREATMENT! She was following your Four Pillar strategies. The hematologist said she had never seen this in her 17 years of practice…Bill, Alberta

All tumours disappeared 4 months after I started my protocol. Blood corrected in 5 weeks. Officially recorded as “Spontaneous Remission”. The other factor I believe helped me was that when diagnosed I was never fearful of the condition. I acknowledged it as a sign that my system was not in balance and I needed to look at all aspects of my life…Ian, Australia

The node I’ve been watching for the last 2 years, originally about the size of a quail’s egg, has regressed to ¼ its size over the last 6 months. My doctor commented on how significant that is. … Dianne, Georgia

I’ve been following the four pillar (4PEP) program as closely as I can! So far, the disease has regressed to where I only have tumors in the axilla whereas before it was all throughout the abdomen, inguinal and neck. I’ve not had any treatment. Two years after getting my diagnosis I just kept searching and found your site. I have been eternally grateful for all your hard work.  Leslie, Texas

I’m currently enjoying an important regression from my two sick nodes within 5 months of diagnosis. Both went down from 25 & 22 mm to 7 mm. ..Pierre, Switzerland.

Thanks to the knowledge you make easy to access, I’m doing well. Ten years since diagnosis, nodes in the abdomen are normal and a few in the neck have reduced in size. All blood markers are normal.  No treatment to date.  THANK YOU…Camille, North Carolina

Four Pillars in full force…in less than a year took a node from the size of a golf ball (didn’t get diagnosed until July) and in mid-December I could no longer find it. Best Christmas present I could ask for…Ryley

Four years ago I was diagnosed with enlarged nodes in neck and chest both sides.  Did no treatment except yours. Every year nodes have decreased.  This year only a few in the neck remain.  Thank you so much for giving all of us hope and such good knowledge.  God bless you… Mary, Tennessee

From my last CT scan, I am starting to see some results (26% shrinkage). You have been the only positive and informational resource that I had in all this time… Pascal, Quebec

You infused hope when I was presented with a very hopeless prognosis. I was 42 at the time and was told to go home and prepare. We now joke that we vehemently believe that the oncologist meant dinner. I was diagnosed at stage IV and my case went before a board. They were split (regarding what I should do). Well, almost four years later, I remain in remission. My last scan proved that all the tumours have regressed significantly. I remain a mystery to my oncology team and I LOVE IT! So with this, I send my heartfelt thanks…Lil

It will be 20 years in February since I was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma and I am grateful for having found your site.  I doubt that I would still be here if not for you and the knowledge you have made available to us survivors through your website. You are truly a fountain of knowledge when it comes to follicular lymphoma … Scott, Tennessee

Additional commentary each month over the years can be seen on our  What the Members Say  page.

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If I Choose to Become a Member, What Will I Receive?


Your membership will extend until December 31, 2027.

During the entire period, you will have access to all Articles including our copyright “flagship” Article The Four Pillar Epigenetics (4PEP) Program with information on diet, nutrition, physical activity, sleep, stress management, vitamin B complex and vitamin D optimization. This article will be regularly updated.

In addition, you will receive monthly Newsletters for 2025, four Newsletters a year for 2026 and 2027 and access to past Newsletters going back to 2004.

There is more here than in any book on this subject. The complete range of topics covered can be seen on the Topic Index page.

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Additional Details About Our Site


We have several members with types of lymphoma other than follicular, including CLL, marginal zone, mantle cell, T-cell and aggressive (diffuse) lymphomas. Most of the material on this site will be helpful for survivors in these groups.

There are several doctors in our membership, both as patients and caregivers. People come from all walks of life.

The Program here is unique. There is nothing similar anywhere else, including an application to other cancers.


Closing Thought

The lymphatic system is the body’s hidden river of wellness.

It carries away waste products from all our cells and at the same time creates immunity to target lymphoma…truly a fascinating, essential system.

As a lymphoma survivor, a person needs to learn how to master this hidden river of wellness. Then, when it’s done, the working cure becomes a realty.


Thank you for visiting our site. We hope you found it informative and inspirational.

Best in Health from Lymphoma Survival.

Robert G. Miller   

About me

February 17, 2025

Strive –> Survive –> Thrive



This website is intended as a sharing of information and data based on the research and personal experiences of the author. It is NOT intended to replace or be a substitute for professional consultation with a physician or other health care provider. For treatment decisions, consult your doctor or health care provider. The author cannot be held responsible for any adverse effects, results or consequences resulting from the use or application of the information on any page of this site.